barrbaric [he/him]

  • 57 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • The federal government must step in to protect the clear national interest by putting an end to the frequent disruptions and mandating the parties to resolve their differences through binding arbitration when deadlocked. While this did happen with CPKC less than 24 hours after the labour disruption, there had been no certainty of that.

    Yeah I gotta solution to the "labour instability": it's called we kill one C-suite executive per day until you give us what we want.

  • Played some pirated Space Marine 2, I hate that there are 8 kinds of boltgun, all of which are useless. Tyranids are a boring enemy that completely lack any personality. The selection of what is and isn't a major boss is very strange. Zoanthropes? Normal enemy. Neurothropes, aka a very slightly better Zoanthrope? Boss with a giant health bar. The health and armor systems also just feel worse than SM1; I'm basically always at like 10% HP and have to hide around corners to recharge my armor because you can't easily get executions on swarms of gaunts.

  • A large number of warhammer "fans" (it would not be unreasonable to guess that this group is even a slight majority) do not engage with the hobby in any physical way, and instead just do things like watch lore videos, play the video games, and repeat memes. I would argue that most of the chuds who get really pissed off about the idea of female space marines or start larping as imperials fall into this group. This group has become larger over time as GW's prices continuously rise (driving people away from the physical game), the setting became more mainstream (largely through video games and fanworks), and especially when it became possible to play the tabletop game entirely on a computer in the "game" Tabletop Simulator (~$10 for a copy on Steam to play as any faction you want vs ~$500-1000 and dozens of hours to play one army).

    There are also a decent number of people who do play the physical tabletop game that purchase and build models, but do not paint them. Historically, tournaments enforced a rule that models must have at least 3 colors on them, and in the newest edition of 40k there are explicitly 10 bonus points that each player receives at the end of the game if their army is painted to a similar standard. I can say that in my friend group, there is one person who painted a few models, decided he didn't like painting, and now just has the rest as plain gray plastic.

  • barrbaric [he/him]topodcastsDollop Premium Feed
    4 months ago

    If you're a boomer like myself, you can also just open the .xml links in a browser and then copy-paste the filenames into another browser window to download them onto your computer directly.

    The filenames for the audio files will look like this:
