Tankiedesantski [he/him]

  • 90 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2020


  • If it were Indian brands suddenly competing with western ones, and if Indian (indigenous) tech industries were threatening western monopolies, they would be seething at the bit all the same.

    Absolutely, just look at the Japanese example. You can be the most loyal American running dog imaginable but if your economy gets too big the Yanks will still not hesitate to cut you down to size.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]tochapotraphouseOh fuck off.
    17 days ago

    In authoritarian surveillance state China, it's illegal to wear face masks for health reasons.


    Also, what happens to Muslim women who choose to wear face coverings? Is there a religious exemption?

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]togames"as a black G@mer"
    17 days ago

    A friend of mine got a degree in Asian Studies with a focus on Japan. When she actually went there and talked to random Japanese people about how she did Asian studies the Japanese people would often ask her "Oh, so you really like Thailand or something?"

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]togames"as a black G@mer"
    17 days ago

    M.A. in Asian studies with a focus on Japanese History

    Lmao did he even put any thought into this lie? Bruh why would a Japanese university offer this area of studies under Asian Studies instead of the much more obvious umbrella of Japanese History?

    Yeah man, I have a Masters in Western Studies from the University of Oxford with a specialization in English history.

    Get the fuck outa here with that bullshit.

    Edit: Japanese people are calling out his obviously machine translated Japanese.


  • It's probably not super helpful to debate counterfactuals since they're not probable either way. I do think it's reasonable to say that Russia's nuclear stockpile deters NATO escalations in Ukraine even to this day. But again, not provable unless you've sat in on some top level NATO meetings.

  • Just because it's disturbing doesn't mean it can't also be true. If two guys are staring each other down with guns, the fear of the other guy shooting back is the main thing that stops either guy from taking the first shot. But if one guy thought the other was out of bullets? Or that their bullets can't get through his armor? Why not take a shot?

    America is entering a domestic and international death spiral. The best way to keep it from using it's nukes on the way down is to let every American know on no uncertain terms that if they try, they die.

  • China needs to urgently reassess its no first strike policy and then number of warheads it publicly claims to have. It's rapidly becoming clear that both are seen by NATO only as a sign of weakness and not as a genuine desire for peaceful coexistence.

    If NATO wages nuclear war on China then it will not stop until Chinese civilization is wiped from existence. The proportionate counter value threat to that is not China wiping out the US, or the UK, or France, but all colonial vestiges of Western civilization, irrespective of whether or not those vestigages are nominally participating in the war. 300, 600, or even 1000 warheads are clearly not sufficient to carry out this exchange.