Where are they kept in other countries? Genuinely curious. Here they're with the milk, cream, cheese, etc
Where are they kept in other countries? Genuinely curious. Here they're with the milk, cream, cheese, etc
I get ma'amed pretty frequently just because of my hair. A lot of people are hard-wired to see long hair=feminine. They always get so apologetic and I'm just counting it as a win.
The way things are going the dems are gearing up to get less than 50 million votes next time and still scratch their heads wondering why they keep losing voters.
I just went straight to maximalist dresses, though maybe being NB has something to do with that
I started taking zyrtec for allergies and I went from never being able to sleep more than six or seven hours to 12 hours and I could easily go back to sleep.
Why can't I just get a normal 8-9 hours?
Good news!
A lot of them are gold bugs and think going back to the gold standard will make them rich.
Welcome back! I had a different account back then and thought I was cis, but I remember those days
Sorry, it's girdlcok, right?
Life needs to work on its technique
I just wore a skirt, rainbow sweater, and rainbow mask to the store and stared daggers at every old fuck that looks like they voted Trump.
All you have to do is look at the image the US projects to the world to see why these sorts of people flock here. It's kind of funny how anti-immigration the conservatives are considering that the type of immigrant who actually goes through the process of naturalizing is most likely a conservative.
Aaaaand I'm not coming out at work anytime soon
True. A mutual aid org is probably a better use of anyone's time in the terminal collapse of an empire.
"The workers are seeing a slight increase in wages, better tighten the screws by bombing the economy."
Good thing you got to them before The View or Rachel Maddow did. Lib psyches are vulnerable to truth right now and it's only a matter of time until we get some best-seller book that makes them feel alright going to brunch again while reassuring them that it's only 4 years until the next :vote:
That's what a life of hate gets you