If I hear about him “abolishing tax on tips” again I’m gonna lose my mind

  • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
    4 months ago

    I think that "the economy" is both too complicated and too meaningless of a concept for anyone to actually understand, so people just absorb vibes from the media. The idea that a good economy is one where you, personally, are prosperous is pretty foreign. So very little will change for most trump supporters but by next summer they will be totally convinced that the economy is better that it has ever been.

    Uh unless they actually dissolve the federal reserve and go back to the gold standard like it apparently says in project 2025. In that case it will literally cause the collapse of the US empire.

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      4 months ago

      Uh unless they actually dissolve the federal reserve and go back to the gold standard like it apparently says in project 2025. In that case it will literally cause the collapse of the US empire.


    • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Uh unless they actually dissolve the federal reserve and go back to the gold standard like it apparently says in project 2025. In that case it will literally cause the collapse of the US empire.

      critical support to comrade trump in his efforts to rid the world of yankkkee financial imperialism

      Death to America

    • GenXen [any, any]
      4 months ago

      It's fucking simple you dumb liberal. It's Economics 101!!

      They never even took Economics 101.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        4 months ago

        Bold of you to assume conservatives are thinking

        • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺@lemmygrad.ml
          4 months ago

          I mean it would be irrational to think they are not, Libs (and there subset of conservitives) do think and have motivations, even if they are not entirely rational to an outside observer, it needs to both make sense to them, and especialy the case for libs, to the Capitalist overclass. I can understand why the workers would feel the gold standard would help, it just has the gut reaction that making the dollar actually worth something real and tangable would help, what I cannot understand is where the capitalists think they will see any gain in this

      • SuperZutsuki [they/them]
        4 months ago

        A lot of them are gold bugs and think going back to the gold standard will make them rich.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Maybe something about gold being

        1. Old-fashioned, like they did before everything went woke
        2. Easy to understand. If gold is money then I have one money if I have one gold. On the surface a gold standard seems much more straightforward than the web of debt backed by vibes that is fiat currency.
        3. Gives a feeling of independence and self-sufficiency. If I have good it can't be touched by inflation or the evil gubmint (it absolutely can, but it feels like it can't).
        4. Fertile soil for grifts. There are people who make good money selling gold to chud goldbugs.
        5. The thing the liberal (((elites))) running the financial system doesn't want.
        • Tom742 [they/them, any]
          4 months ago

          Fertile soil for grifts. There are people who make good money selling gold to chud goldbugs.

          I’ve had to navigate older family members through so many gold scams lately

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      4 months ago

      the absolute funniest way for dedollarization to occur is that while BRICS+ is hemming and hawing about how they're gonna set up an alternative currency and an international financial organization exerting some degree of sovereignty over each of them (meanwhile the developing world is facing the worst debt crisis in human history), Trump just gets rid of the dollar over the course of a month. I'm out here predicting that we might see foreign currencies or a bancor overtake the dollar by the 2050s, meanwhile the Heritage Foundation guys want it gone within the year

      • CleverOleg [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I have talked to a surprising number of conservatives and libertarians who, after I explain what would happen the US if we stopped running budget deficits, are just like “hell yeah bring the collapse on, we’ll be better off for it in the long run”. This sounds acceleration and maybe it is but I think it’s more they don’t understand / believe that things would be that bad for that long.

    • What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      something about tariffs destroying the money supply something something meaning china has to earn more dollars. where are the mmters at?

      • CTHlurker [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I think the resident MMT-guy on here probably needs to take a little break, on account of his predictions that Kamala and the Dems would overperform the polls (as a lot of the republican donors had been switching to the Dems) and that Trump would lose.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Yeah, as much as I've shit talked libs on here the past few days, the Trump supporters in my life have been just as insufferable.

    "The economy is going to be great!"

    "Interest rates are going to go down so it'll be easier to buy a house"

    "Prices are going to go down"

    We've already been through this at least once in our life times. Whatever "economic" recovery there's going to be is going to be to the benefit of the rich while everything will remain expensive for the rest. I really want to know what this mythical time Trump supporters talk about just a mere 4 years ago, between 2016 and 2020, when everything was great. Aside from stimulus checks and increased unemployment benefits in the last year of his presidency, what else did he do to improve people's lives prior to that?

    Democrats and Republicans really have no sense of object permanence.

    • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      They're literally all talking about, for example, whatever a dozen eggs cost in 2018. I don't honestly remember so let's just say $1.75. And now they're like $3. Or they were the other day.

      If your job doesn't pay like double what it did in 2018, and for most people that's the case, then this is approaching catastrophe every time you have to buy groceries. Exponentially so if you have kids.

      On top of that of the cost of housing skyrocketed from 2020-2022-ish and has remained high while wages haven't gone up enough to meet that rise.

      People are focused on the end numbers too much as well. A phenomenon we can all see and recognize in older people. "When I was a kid a car was only $5000 right off the lot!" type shit. They can't reckon with and accept the $50K price tags now. They just want number go down. It doesn't matter to them much that the entire economy is designed for inflation. They don't seem to understand the absolute dollar amount is irrelevant. This isn't just a hog or lib thing either... it's a flaw in the logic of nearly every "normal" person who doesn't immerse themselves in stuff everyday. They see big numbers, hear media man repeat "big numbers are big!", and Trump promises, vaguely but also directly, to make those big numbers small numbers again.

      Maybe I'm misinterpreting what people are saying though. Maybe they would be ok with large pay raises and the prices basically just staying where they are until things are realigned to a realistic level. But Trump nor Kamala are capable or willing to apply the governmental pressures required for that change. Because they both don't believe in governmental powers except for killing and otherwise harming people.

      Everything will continue to get shittier and shittier as tariffs take effect which will cause an unnecessary and un-absorbable inflationary effect due to lack of American domestic manufacturing. Grocery prices are going to go up especially on produce if all the people currently working in the industry, doing the manual labor, are suddenly being deported en masse instead of being given citizenship and proper pay.

      Maybe Trump has deals with industry leaders like "let me do my fashy shit, you keep prices low for now, and we can set this stuff in stone for down the line." But that's way too much credit given to him. The man who hired John Bolton and was surprised to find he was an insane warhawk...

    • niucllos@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      Seriously, do people not remember that the government shut down for like a month and how much chaos that causes? That Trump did something insane that made the stock market plunge like three times, each time causing the factories near me to lay off 10-20% of their line workers with no warning in panic? Like even before COVID things were really unpredictable and hard

    • CleverOleg [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Tbf housing (buying or renting) has gotten a lot more expensive since 2016-2020. I’ve been in the same line of work making steady increases and houses I was looking at buying in 2018-2019 are now out of my ability to pay (even by equalizing the interest rates). I looked up my old apartment from 2016-2017 and the rent increases since then are way more than my pay increases.

      When it comes to consumer goods, I would agree that pay increases have gotten closer to inflation (but still not there), so I do think people will focus on the price increases without pay increases. But then again a lot of Trump supporters probably bought a house before 2016 so their griping is unwarranted.

      • NedIsakoff [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Whenever my wife and I see a house for sale, we'll go on Zillow and try to guess previous selling prices. It's almost always like:

        2010 - $165k

        2019 - $200k

        Now - $400k

  • Beaver [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I've asked the Trump voters in my life about "why", and they've all talked about his vision for a better the future. People do have an actual, concrete hope in him to improve their lives in specific ways.

    It's definitely possible that there are ulterior motives at play. All these people know I'm a "liberal" from the city, so I don't expect them to just open up to me. But it kinda reminds me of starry-eyed libs voting for Obama: they weren't being cynical, they believed in hope and change. And I think there's a fair amount of earnest hope in Trump voters. Liberals complain a lot about what a fucking vicious asshole Trump is... but I think we've been seeing how vicious libs are too, they just don't let their id hang out in the open all the time like Trump does. It's a perplexing thing, I think all Americans really do want a better future, and are actually willing to believe in someone who promises it. But they're also deeply brain broken, uncurious, and cruel - everyone in the country is just a scratched liberal in the end, especially Trump voters.

    • afters [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      The issue is everyone wants a better life for themselves and their own family and peoples. It’s still a minority that is even concerned about the general wellfare of the masses

      And there’s a dangerous amount of people who are willing to throw others into the shredder to achieve that goal. That’s what this country has always promoted

      • Tom742 [they/them, any]
        4 months ago

        Agreed. You can’t separate the American people wholesale from settle colonialism and imperialism, it’s baked into the majority

      • Adkml [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I legit think you're giving them too much credit.

        I know dozens of people locally whose families would benefit massively from even the modest safety net proposed by new york liberals but they are legitimately more concerned with eliminating the safety net because a minority might move to town and benefit from it even though that's never happened and they are currently benefitting from it.

        You're literally doing yourself a disservice if you try to approach them with the assumption they're rational people who just want the best for their family.

        My mom is retired and works the local food pantry a couple days a week, she has had multiple disabled people who rely on medicaid come in and gloat about how trumps gonna kick illegals off of welfare and they're gonna have to actually start working (again there are literally zero minorities in our town let alone immigrants)

    • Adkml [he/him]
      4 months ago

      My last job was for a Magat small business owner. Their complaints literally aren't connected to reality. If you "listen to their concerns" it's that a hitman paid by hillary was shooting a space laser at Trump trying to blow up Trump tower for al queda and then you get home and look up the story and it turns out somebody set up a projector to put "fuck trump" on the side of Trump tower for 4 minutes before cops broke his projector and told him to leave.

      Unless you have a solution for teachers doing gender reassignment surgeries on kindergartens you aren't going to be able to connect with them on issues.

      • Speaker [e/em/eir]
        4 months ago

        solution for teachers doing gender reassignment surgeries on kindergartens

        Very simple solution: MORE FUNDING ⚧️

  • HamManBad [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Here's the thing. Inflation is already "fixed". The rate of inflation has gone way down, almost to the Fed's target. But that is just the RATE of inflation. Prices aren't coming down unless there's a recession

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      American businesses don't do 'short term losses for long term gains' strategy unless the losses were inevitable (see 'big bath accounting')

      These people are willing to burn the planet down in order to wring every last nickle out, they're not going to be willing to artificially limit their profits now when they know they can make every politician roll over and bark on command

    • Lussy [any, hy/hym]
      4 months ago

      Surely all capitalists will come together to curtail their capitalist tendencies

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      4 months ago

      Sounds plausible, but would require more foresight and organization than I think they're capable of, at this point. They're on a hot streak with dollar signs and slaves in their eyes.

    • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]@lemmy.today
      4 months ago

      Businesses could decide this... But not out of optics, but to maximize profits. I know one theory is corporations go between periods of inflating prices and periods of mergers & acquisitions as the two modes primary means of capital growth. If that's true and businesses perceive the Trump admin as being more favorable towards monopolies, then they may focus on doing M&A over the next 4 years. After which, the increase monopolization will inevitably lead to inflation in the period following.

    • miz [any, any]
      4 months ago

      Businesses will come together

      it's not 1907 and J.P. Morgan is not walking through that door

    • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
      4 months ago

      implying the people that run businesses are capable of planning more than one fiscal quarter in advance

      Death to America

    • Lovely_sombrero [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Even people who use those words on TV usually don't know what they mean, or at least use zero context.

      Yes, inflation is low now. But also, if inflation is 2% and your wages go up by 0%, you are still worse off than if inflation is 5% and your wage goes up 5%.

      But also, inflation is not a full cost of living measurement, some things aren't counted or aren't properly counted etc. Because of some accounting gimmick, healthcare inflation was negative in 2022, even tho individuals paid more for healthcare in 2022 than in 2021. Also, Biden ended a shitton of pandemic-era welfare programs, if inflation is 0% and you lose a government benefit worth $200 per month, you are still worse off.

  • QuillcrestFalconer [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Inflation is already lowish in the US, the real problem is cost of living that shot up significantly. That being said, it's very likely that inflation will get worse with trump

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    4 months ago

    If Trump had a Nixonian understanding of the economy, he could do some very funny things with price controls and tax cuts

    But he doesn't so whether inflation prices go down is up to the various corporates and Federal Reserve

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    They also all think he's gonna legalize weed and recreational ketamine from my experience. But they mainly think he's going to somehow make everything half as cheap, but also round up and deport millions of people.

  • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
    4 months ago

    Best thing we can hope for is a total collapse of the economy, although even at that point his supporters would still say it's the best economy ever if that dang DEEP STATE didn't ruin it.

    Deep state is Jewish people, btw.

    • btbt [he/him]
      4 months ago

      There's probably gonna be a rise of MAGA chuds who think Trump is secretly Jewish if we get a bad enough recession

      • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
        4 months ago

        nah they will just blame something else. theyll say Biden is still the secret president or some shit.

  • Lussy [any, hy/hym]
    4 months ago

    The fed chair is going to be strong armed into reducing the already meager interest rates. That will surely fix inflation

    • CleverOleg [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Politicizing the Fed - which is something Trump and the GOP are absolutely going to do - is great for the accelerationists. The Fed was always political to an extent but they’re a key cog in the imperialism machine. Force to make short-term politically based actions and they will hurt America’s imperialism in the long run.