CyborgMarx [any, any]

  • 718 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]toMainWhat would a lib Jan 6th look like?
    4 months ago

    Probably an overreaction by the cops, the ignorant pigs would assume the libs marching during brunch were attempting to somehow "overthrow" the new based goverment and go into full overdrive, unlike the real Jan 6th I assume the cops will start killing people immediately, probably by singling out POC members of the crowd

    Lib Jan 6th could only materialize as a police riot, since libs don't have the steel to do anything else except present a target for trigger happy Trump-loving swine

  • It's definitely a trend and conquesunce of the elastic nature of whiteness

    BUT, its a mirage on the part of the "white" hispanics, a mirage that can only be maintained because traditional Euro-whites do not associate with them, 80-85% of American white people do not personally know or associate with a single poc person, including white passing POCs

    This profound social segregation creates a duel echo chamber that allows certain brown people to believe that they have successfully acquired white membership, meanwhile if your average racist wasp saw that same person at the grocery store or gas station they'd assume they were an illegal or some other slur

    You can see this dynamic on countless right wing online spaces and forums when the brown members reveal their appearance and the white members immediately dogphile on them and treat them from then on as tokens or "pets" (a word I literally saw used on 4chan)

  • I just learned these screenshots came from BlackPeopleTwitter

    In which case every single comment was made by a white person and 95% of the upvotes were from white people, folks don't remember but back in 2018-19 BPT was outed as one of the most astroturfed and demographically deceptive subs on the website, it is without a doubt the largest digital blackface forum on the internet, aside from maybe r/hiphopheads

    The leaked polls back in 2019 revealed the sub is 90% white

  • It may be too early to tell, but there appears to be a massive grassroots social media backlash against liberals developing, in response to the last four days of unrestrained racism and blame shifting

    The liberal left hand doesn't seem to know what it's right hand is doing, one faction of liberals want to primarily blame Arabs/Muslims, another wants to go after Black men, others think posting pro-deportation posts in somehow gonna result in sympathy for their politics

    The end result seems to be a lot of rightly pissed off POCs and racist republicans and democrats using this as an opportunity to launder their racism, straight up this could have a snowball effect that permanently sees the democratic base fall apart

    Racism isn't one of those bigotries you can just dip in and then dip back out, in 4 years these racist liberal posts are gonna be plastered everywhere and in the meanwhile the resentment is gonna solidify

  • Like how do they not see that argument can and will be applied to them by every other cracker with a pulse, that's the whole point of solidarity, to do away with zero-sum mentalities like that

    "And the reality is America is a country with 331 million people. There's over 221 million white people in America. It's pretty selfish to choose black people over us" It's so easy to weaponize this shit

  • In light of Carcosa's statement it's clear my reaction in the megathread was based on a misunderstanding concerning Carcosa's doomed but valiant effort to instill some human values into the rest of lemmy, it unfortunately backfired and me and others uncharitably assumed the worst, so I publicly apologize for that

    Paranoia and a lack of trust clearly won the day and to my shame I aided in that, but I hope Carcosa rethinks their decision and once more takes their rightful place at the helm of this experiment in leftist forum-building