Hey everybody!

The site has been on fire for a few days now in the aftermath of the dunk/dredge changes. While I was not deeply involved in the process of that decision, I will admit that I was one of the moderators that signed off on that decision in the end, with my belief, or hope, being that it would foster a healthier site culture. I was ultimately neutral on whether a third comm alongside c/gossip and c/counterpropaganda should be created, as I wanted to see how the situation would develop and whether it would be ultimately necessary. This was not just my own isolated belief - other moderators who pay closer attention to the broader site culture than I do (as I stay in the news mega 95% of the time) were adamant that these changes be made, as they have repeatedly said that comrades from certain minority groups have been turned off from joining or staying on the site due to the site culture. I am being purposefully vague about this in order to maintain their anonymity and prevent any brigading.

I regret several of the actions that took place after I posted my approval for the idea.

Firstly, and most obviously, there should have been some kind of democratic input. Even merely asking the community what they thought of the issue and whether there were other potential avenues to fixing the problems should have been what happened, rather than immediately jumping to locking down two highly popular comms and then making a post about whether you all think it's a good idea. I should have spoke up about this prior to it going out. Carcosa saying that the decision was not merely an admin decree is entirely true, there was moderator input.

Secondly, we should have more closely vetted and better communicated the statements made, both those made by us through Carcosa, and also my own. I wrote a comment in the original announcement post that sought to explain the situation, and a user brought up my wording around the use of "gossip" as a comm name. I apologize, as I depicted the arguments as to why it was chosen (and again, I did not suggest "gossip" originally) as if I thought that gossip was a) feminine and b) therefore frivolous. I did not intend to portray it this way and don't believe that at all - in fact, users in the mod chat have pointed out that "gossip", far from being frivolous, can be a way for people dismissed by systems of power to protect each other.

Thirdly, the whole business with the bans and tempbans was entirely unnecessary in 99% of cases and was immature and vindictive, and just spread further confusion in an already confusing time. And Alaskaball banning themself didn't really help. As a moderator and not an admin, I was not part of the decision for this part at all, but I still feel like addressing it.

For those who may be worried, I can confirm that the Hexbear moderator chat is not a place dominated by a clique of hostile authoritarian mods or anything like that. It is made up of largely LGBTQIA+ people who want to make the site a better place. I do hope that improvements can be made to the process to further formalize it and entrench more democratic decision-making, but it is also true that Hexbear is a relatively small online forum and that the moderators are volunteers, and so it can be difficult to properly coordinate things in a timely manner. Things sometimes get rushed through, unfortunately.

I get that there is considerable frustration about the lack of real specifics of what we were even complaining about and that many people just want a straight answer, but as I said before, I will maintain vagueness on this point because their anonymity is not mine to take away and I greatly respect them. I hope there is more transparency on the whole issue from this point onwards, but I cannot be the one to grant it.

I do not plan to leave the site. I will - if the admins and moderators allow it - keep posting the news megathreads and generally being a presence on here.

Semper post,


(as of posting this, I am going to sleep, so I won't be around to respond for a while)

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 months ago

    I am deeply opposed to this and have no idea why you're all behaving this way.

    A mistake happened. It's relatively minor. It doesn't deserve walls of text being written about it, let alone resignations.

    A mountain has been made out of a slop molehill. A simple "Yeah this was a mistake. We're replacing the comm and opening it up to new names, but will instead implement a new rule to mitigate inter-lemmy federated drama." would have sufficed.

    This site needs to learn de-escalation. You throw a small cup of water on a paper fire. Huge walls of text and resignations and the like are the equivalent of throwing a log on it. If the team doesn't overreact to a mistake or take something too emotionally then communities don't either.

    Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. None of this is that important. We're cool 72T.

    • somename [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Also like the mods that people are mad at most aren't even the ones resigning or apologizing lol. It doesn't really help anything in the end. All it is doing is purging people who care, in a positive way, more.

    • niph [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Couldn’t agree more tbh. The self crit is great but it’s also disproportionate to jump straight to resignations. Sticking around and committing to doing better next time is far more valuable to the community.

      • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        What even do they need to selfcrit for? Making a comm rename people didn't like? Just say "whoops, okay people didn't like that. nevermind." and move on.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 months ago

        As an admin I'm pretty sure I'd get arrested in the UK for some of the things the site allows in comments, so even if I had the time to do it (I don't) I absolutely don't think it's a good idea for my personal safety.

    • NaevaTheRat [she/her]@vegantheoryclub.org
      4 months ago

      It's really fucking unpleasant to see thousands of comments calling you horrible. I think that people who haven't been on the accused side of that probably don't realise how that feels.

    • radio_free_asgarthr [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      Thanks, as far as I can tell everything escalated and just got out of hand. I still understand there might be part of these struggle sessions that I missed, but it really seems like people can't take disagreement without thinking that it is an existential fight.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 months ago

        This is the silliest struggle session in hexbear history.

        Sillier than the outdoor cats one.

        It's over a comm closure that is getting basically reversed anyway. That's it. That's all. Everything else has spawned out of the first primary issue and needs to be set aside until after the first issue, which is really minor by itself.

        • radio_free_asgarthr [he/him, comrade/them]
          4 months ago

          Geez, well, despite everything else, I like this site and the connections I made here, so sic sempre hexus ursine. May we find some ability to come together and move on.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 months ago

            It'll blow over when it stops getting fed.

        • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
          4 months ago

          I have been so confused, I worked one (1) extra shift this weekend and I missed everything.

          I certainly don't want to see the people earnest about self crit resigning - the whole point is you want people willing to learn from their mistakes in power because nobody is right all the time.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I would like to second this comment. JFC this is just a website even if it serves a useful purpose. Chill for the love of god.

    • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
      4 months ago


      I missed the actual struggle session but I agree with everything you've said, seems like a minor mistake at most, it would be a pointless blow to the community to lose good admins over this

    • mkultrawide [any]
      4 months ago

      Agreed. Maybe it's just because I'm probably older than a number of users here, but the number of times that things spiral here over minor bullshit is just absurd at this point. It feels like a bunch of angsty teenagers looking for someone to yell at.

    • afters [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      I see why the claim was too much white cis-het toxic energy— just look at how the 95% white site is responding. Anger, contempt, and DEMANDS.. you would think the admins took someone hostage. Energy that could go into something actually useful

    • REgon [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Literally all we asked for in the first thread was this and things just got worse from there

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I don't think literally anyone wants you to step down.

    You provide an invaluable service to this site running the news mega.

    • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      Fr like step down if you find it too much effort or need a mental health break, but I don't think anyone wants any of these resignations. Literally our finest posters. This seems like a complete overreaction IMO.

  • Stpetergriffonsberg [comrade/them, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Here's some democratic input for you: we all want you to stay

    here's a closely vetted and better communicated statement for you : we all want you to stay

    here's something immature and vindictive for you: stay or we will be sad

  • skeletorsass [she/her]
    4 months ago

    The news mega is my favourite part of this site. It is why I can still speak English and have not forget it. It is a place where I can talk about foreign news with foreigners without racism and zionism. It mean a lot to me.

    I hope that site will be okay. I hope that you will be okay.

  • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
    4 months ago

    brother we need you to have mod powers at least in the news mega so you can remove the hexbearcope guy

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Second this. STT is one of the biggest and best parts of Hexbear.

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I'm not gonna lie, the moderation in the news mega is so tight that I think I've only been the person to ban that guy once out of all the times he's been around. He's almost always gone before I get to him and even see what he said, though I get the gist of it from the replies dunking on him

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]A
    4 months ago

    I'll ban myself again if you don't eventually un-quit being chief editor of the news mega.

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      4 months ago

      Let 72T do the news posting. That his gift and wasting time with the other parts of modding was a waste of his gift. We need you to keep The News Mega pinned and clear of wreckers. (after we are done dunking them)

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]A
        4 months ago

        It was mostly so he could bonk any lost nerds if they showed up and give him a hotline to the admins whenever he swapped out megas. Though technically, all the other news mods are really good at bopping lost nerds with the silly clown hammer quickly and he still has a hotline to the admins whenever he needs to swap out megas so he's pretty much free to keep doing his thing but more focused.

        Ah, I've been owned.

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I feel like this was a bad weekend to log-off, given that I have litterally no idea why so many moderators (who've been largely doing very well) are acting like they've betrayed the revolution.

    No idea why people are offering resignations when it's a complete non-issue. This is like offering to resign from your job because you accidentally made the coffee wrong in the break-room.

      • Des [she/her, they/them]
        4 months ago

        i'm literally a mod of two comms and have had to piece this shit together from context

        also been working 50hr weeks

        forgot how to access the mod chats or whatever tho

  • anaesidemus [he/him]
    4 months ago

    kim-salute fidel-salute sankara-salute deng-salute rat-salute rosa-salute chavez-salute 07

    I will - if the admins and moderators allow it - keep posting the news megathreads and generally being a presence on here.

    The masses of newshogs resolutely decree that Comrade SeventyTwoTrillion should keep on posting news megathreads and generally be a presence on here. The allowance of admins and moderators pales in comparison to the will of the people. The masses will follow the correct party line when that has been established.

    • SevenSkalls [he/him]
      4 months ago

      From what I've seen, it's the reasons for the name change that got people mad. Also the attempt to change the culture with these name changes. But ya, this exploded way too far.

      • grandepequeno [he/him]
        4 months ago

        To me it's more the whole making a big deal about walking it back, just walk it back and reverse it, nobody needs to resign over anything.

        Like, I mostly use the news mega, which is great in no small part thanks to SeventyTwoTrillion, so the idea that he'd resign over completely unrelated drama is silly to me.

      • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        Everyone resigning over a decision people didn't like. Just reverse the decision and move on. Nobody's asking for a leadership change.

  • Xavienth@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    This whole situation is so terminally online I'm glad I have all 4 communities blocked and honestly i never want to hear about it again

    • Lussy [any, hy/hym]
      4 months ago

      I don’t even understand it, can someone provide a summary that doesn’t sound fucking insane?

      • TheOtherwise [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        I don’t even understand it, can someone provide a summary that doesn’t sound fucking insane?

        leftists and finding ways to fight amongst themsleves about stupid shit. Name a more iconic duo.

  • Seasonal_Peace [he/him]
    4 months ago

    You are literally my favorite user here, honestly know how much you are apreciated by your comrades

    • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      MVP (most valuable poster) for sure.

      There are lots of funny people here to get quality shitposts from, but not that many can produce good effortposts, and none at the quality and quantity of SeventyTwoTrillion.

  • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
    4 months ago

    Hope you have a good sleep.

    If you want to step down/back from your mod role that's up to you. I don't really see that it is necessary though. From your account it sounds like you were just agreeing with mods who had more information on the situation. If some of them were spinning this issue into a bigger deal than it should have been how were you supposed to know that?

    You are a news man. If the plumber tells you the sewers are backing up and the solution is a stick of dynamite and you say "if you think that's for the best" you shouldn't lose your press pass for that.