Cummunism [they/them, he/him]

  • 179 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • Jewish schmucks currently in an arms race with christians to see who can have the biggest persecution complex.

    the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, which began after an Oct. 7

    goldfish memory.

    CBC News reached out to Rady for an interview but he declined, saying everything he wanted to express about the speech is contained in his letter.

    classic coward, the kind of piece of shit to leave an unnamed letter on your parked car for taking his street parking spot

    "When I make a gift to an institution, I do it because I believe in that institution and I trust its governing body to do important, significant, and good work with that money," he wrote, adding he makes it a point to not impose any direction on an institution he helps.

    only after the gift does he piss and moan.

    "They espouse the same age-old prejudices about Jewish omnipotence and thirst for domination that have been used for centuries to justify the atrocities committed against this religious group."

    getting harder to see the lie here lately. He should focus on making Christian white supremacists not sound like they make sense. Years ago i would hear the word Zionist from a Nazi and think "you fucking crazy." Now im like "oh. well shit." I don't want Nazis to be a broken clock, id prefer they always be wrong.

  • but the issue was I had a “gaming 🤓” desk and it had this metal bar underneath which made it impossible to attach the wheel to.

    i had the same problem, i cant center the wheel on the desk but it works off center. not ideal but it works.