came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]

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Attention Kmart Shoppers...
The maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2020


  • Carroll initially told his committee chair, Rep. Mike Marcotte (R-Coventry), about his stuff getting soaked and asked for help figuring out how it was happening. After ruling out other explanations, Carroll concluded he was being targeted. So he conducted a one-man Statehouse sting operation.

    jake gettis is on the case.

    He installed a small $23 spy camera in the hallway pointed at the coatrack outside his committee room. He took the video evidence to House Speaker Jill Krowinski (D-Burlington), who confronted Morrissey about it.

    Morrissey initially denied responsibility, Carroll said, but in a follow-up meeting where Carroll was present, she apologized to him.

    i do not understand how that works. i guess some kind of initial "that wasn't me, i gotta go" and then admitting it at the next meeting when it's clear this isn't going away.

    "It was a very uncomfortable meeting," Carroll recalled.

    lmao. i can't even imagine.

    After the meeting, Krowinski blocked Morrissey, who was first elected in 1997, from serving on a key legislative committee. The matter was then referred to the House Ethics Panel. The status of the complaint is unclear.

    literally 27 YEARS as a state government legislator and you get caught on camera being a deranged shithead to a colleague. TWICE. because you have displayed a pattern of doing it so frequently and brazenly that columbo jr could nail you with a $23 camera. TWICE! this is like someone getting caught eating/throwing out a coworker's lunch multiple times just to be a dick, and there doesn't seem to be any political motivation to it either. it's not like murder or assault or violent threats, but it's the sort of thing that any one of us could imagine happening to us at work by some cowardly petty obsessive bully and confronting them purely for personal satisfaction.

    my gut says any media traction / virality this story gets is is gonna compound how dogpiled she gets and that will drive the institution to cut her loose to avoid her stink contaminating them. like at this point, the victim has outed her and doesn't need to do much to get a big ball rolling over her career.

    EDIT: as of an hour or so ago, Associated Press, Sky News, Yahoo, MSN and USAToday have picked up the story. also, the full details of the story are on her wikipedia page, making up 95% of its content. welcome to the news cycle, lady. you famous.

  • i am surprised that there isn't an extension (maybe there is?) that young people can install on their parents' browsers to block right wing / crank content. that's the type of thing that, if stealth enough, could have a massive demand and lead to some kind of Uno Reversed Parental Control software solution.

    parents totally reach a certain age where they don't understand jack shit about their computer, and its pretty clear the YT algo is driving people to right wing content. not to mention all the scam shit and one click ordering that is tantamount to fraud/elder abuse.

  • i could see them all completely falling in line with instruction, except some third string writer who caught it on his phone and blew the conspiracy wide open as a guest on The Adam Friedland Show.

    and then everyone on TAFS gets into a helicopter accident in Medford, NJ.

    Where I come from
    everybody dies in a helicopter crash.
    Me and all my friends live a simple life
    cookin' to death in helicopter gas.

  • there is no one "after biden". all hope is hung on this man, the most progressive force in american politics since Franklin Delveccio Roosevelt. or is he the most imperialist, racist force in american politics since Theodore Roosevelt? i can't remember, but facts don't matter. what matters is that this is the last election america will ever have, because if Trump wins it's all over. for everyone. Trump will launch the space nukes to every corner of the galaxy and destroy everything that could have ever been imagined over an infinite timeline. including God. Trump will kill God. and most importantly, brunch. so press 30330 to give $3 to Team Biden and don't forget you can win big at

    so vote

    ps - i have no idea. in 2016, hedges said in some interview that the Democratic party would rally around the conservative candidate and use the corrupt party mechanisms to kill the youthful, engaged energy around Sanders, the closest thing it had to an insurgent populist movement. this backroom dealing would lead to a profound disillusionment among many of the politically-engaged people who would have made up the future base of the party. the loss of this bloc would create a fatal wound in the party itself.

    i think that's what we're seeing. the party is a corpse that is twitching on the slab and no amount of threatening, scolding, pomp, or pageantry seems capable of making young people give a shit. no one wants to be a labor-oriented, populist reform candidate, because the party bosses have shown they will scorch the earth to cut them down, so all we get are people in thrall to capital formations selected by the weird focus group/consultant-driven court intrigue of party elites and major donors. and those people don't want to put up names until there's a good chance of Return on Investment. so its just going to be one brushed and polished coward after another, pulled from a hat at the last minute and dumped on a saddle in the horse race. name TBD.

  • when i was a little kid, i watched a bunch of TV. all the Adults in the Room told me that watching too much TV would rot my brain.

    when i moved out of my parents house in my 20s, i became far more circumspect about my media consumption. cut the cord and shifted to a more deliberate, a la carte consumption strategy. no more "watching whatever is on/channel surfing" and more about finding recommendations, watching discrete amounts of media, and avoiding advertisements and "audience-driven" content.

    now that i'm in my 40s, all the adults in the room are like 60s/70s+ and they all watch whatever is on/channel surf all the goddamn time. and their brains are fucking fried with these lead-lined, nuclear crazy takes.

  • she signs on as VP and begins covering for Joe at various, tightly-scripted campaign appearances. the entire media apparatus comes together to insist all of us vote for her turn and during a live event, like an SNL appearance playing herself next to Kate McKinnon as her twin, when she is pumped full of B12 and medical grade amphetimines and pantomiming playing a duet on a piano, the curated crowd is glowing and chanting it's love for her, some critical neuron cluster for inhibition depolarizes and she starts singing the N-word in dementia-powered ecstasy.

    the control booth is too surprised and awestruck to dump out of it before the delay runs out, and a full 4 seconds of it hits the airwaves.

    the newscycle tries to convince everyone that it was a russian deepfake hack and that it didn't actually happen. but it did. and within 12 hours everyone with access to a screen has seen it.

  • damn, nice find. it was like 15 years ago that i read that (in a physical book), and i was trying to find it on the Zinn site and looking all the way back at the 17th century chapter on early slavery, which has similar stories but wasn't the one i was looking for (the one you found). but anyway, here's another cool bit:

    Chapter 2: Drawing the Color Line

    From time to time, whites were involved in the slave resistance. As early as 1663, indentured white servants and black slaves in Gloucester County, Virginia, formed a conspiracy to rebel and gain their freedom. The plot was betrayed, and ended with executions. Mullin reports that the newspaper notices of runaways in Virginia often warned "ill-disposed" whites about harboring fugitives. Sometimes slaves and free men ran off together, or cooperated in crimes together. Sometimes, black male slaves ran off and joined white women. From time to time, white ship captains and watermen dealt with runaways, perhaps making the slave a part of the crew.

    In New York in 1741, there were ten thousand whites in the city and two thousand black slaves. It had been a hard winter and the poor—slave and free—had suffered greatly. When mysterious fires broke out, blacks and whites were accused of conspiring together. Mass hysteria developed against the accused. After a trial full of lurid accusations by informers, and forced confessions, two white men and two white women were executed, eighteen slaves were hanged, and thirteen slaves were burned alive.

    Only one fear was greater than the fear of black rebellion in the new American colonies. That was the fear that discontented whites would join black slaves to overthrow the existing order. In the early years of slavery, especially, before racism as a way of thinking was firmly ingrained, while white indentured servants were often treated as badly as black slaves, there was a possibility of cooperation. As Edmund Morgan sees it:

    There are hints that the two despised groups initially saw each other as sharing the same predicament. It was common, for example, for servants and slaves to run away together, steal hogs together, get drunk together. It was not uncommon for them to make love together. In Bacon's Rebellion, one of the last groups to surrender was a mixed band of eighty negroes and twenty English servants.

    As Morgan says, masters, "initially at least, perceived slaves in much the same way they had always perceived servants... shiftless, irresponsible, unfaithful, ungrateful, dishonest..." And "if freemen with disappointed hopes should make common cause with slaves of desperate hope, the results might be worse than anything Bacon had done."

  • whoever could maintain a blockade of the others ports probably.

    if I were running one of the breakaway nations, I would try to form a coalition with another one over mutual disdain for texas. decapitate it's leadership, demobilize it's law enforcement, and create a colony on it with displaced people from other areas. heavily arm them and direct them to land / resource / infrastructure grab everything.

    with any luck, everybody will be so focused on that shit show, they won't notice that I have used all the gold to build a giant Colossus of myself that shoots flames and lightning bolts.


  • there's some excerpt of a letter in Zinn's Peoples' History around the time of the big canal digging projects of the northeast and it specifically mentions, from a place of shocked elite fear, about how crucial it is to keep the indentured Irish work teams away from the enslaved African teams.

    there was this bafflement at how these peoples were so different in appearance and had a language barrier, but were easily finding camaraderie so steps needed to be taken to divide them and actively discourage social mingling.

  • i was thinking about L O S T recently. like giving it another spin here 15 years later. it really was some different shit when it came out and it was wild that it was on ABC, which had been phoning it in for years at that point with the most insipid drivel. i mean, all broadcast TV was shit, but ABC was the worst.

    i remember being in my early 20s and some friend being like, "dude you guys gotta come over and watch the first episode of this show, it's crazy." we were like, "yeah right" but went anyway on a goof. anyway, it totally got its hooks in. they really had the formula for creating intrigue and confused tension. not to mention, the cinematic production, which was more akin to the one or two high budget HBO series that happened every few years.

  • noted working-class rally point, the Tony Awards (aka Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Broadway Theatre), held Sunday at Lincoln Center’s David H. Koch Theater in Manhattan.

    this year, the Tony for Best New Play was awarded to "Stereophonic", a "staggeringly, ingeniously entertaining" (New York Times) achievement that the Chicago Tribune insists "tickets will be hard to get" that Variety calls "brave, breathtaking" and New York Magazine describes as "one of the most exhilarating moments I've had in a theater."

    nothing says, "i am of the people" quite like wearing a golden robe that somehow probably cost more than 5 years of my grocery and utility bills and getting up on stage at the goddamn tony awards.