• Infamousblt [any]
    19 days ago

    That grill does appear to be on though if you look at the knobs? Just because you can't see flame in your grill doesn't mean it's not on, if anything you typically don't want to see flame in a gas grill. I mean do people think those clearly cooked hotdogs were cooked somewhere else and then brought here and staged here? Also store bought burger patties are fine if you're cooking for a lot of people, nice hand crafted burgers are only worth it in small batches for folks who will appreciate it...on cookout day nobody wants a fancy burger. Honestly dunk on libs all day but I don't see much to dunk on here other than "boomer grills meat"

    • CommunistBear [he/him]
      19 days ago

      The most dunkable thing is putting the cheese on this early. You're supposed to cook the burger first and finish with the cheese

      • Infamousblt [any]
        19 days ago

        Yeah that's fair, at least cook one side first. I think some burnt cheese ends is okay but you do have to at least cook half of it first.

    • jaywalker [they/them]
      19 days ago

      Sometimes it seems like there are a lot of people on the left who sort of "fall for" the outrage bait from rightwing sources. Sometimes I know it's just jokes and all, but sometimes it feels like people are just excited to shit on liberals and will believe anything. I don't like it when other leftists remind me of my uncle on Facebook or something.

    • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
      19 days ago

      You should see some smoke coming off the meat though, looks like he maybe just turned it on? But then how did the dogs get the grill marks... 🤔 Somethings fucky

      • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
        19 days ago

        Hotdogs cook a lot faster than burgers, it wouldn't be uncommon to cook the hotdogs first, then move them to the other side to stay warm while the burgers cook. Something is wrong with those burgers though, someone said they look microwaved and I tend to agree.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      19 days ago

      Those burgers appear to be totally raw. It really seems like they did get some grilled sausage from elsewhere and the s lapped them on there.

      If it is legit why the fuck did they totally cook the sausages before adding cheese to a clearly uncooked gray burger patty.

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      19 days ago

      I mean do people think those clearly cooked hotdogs were cooked somewhere else and then brought here and staged here?


    • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
      19 days ago

      Store-bought is ok, but you cook them (at least on one side) before you put the cheese on. He's gonna have to flip that burger cheese side down. This really isn't right. stalin-stressed

  • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
    19 days ago

    This was moments before he threw it all in a trash can and went to a restaurant that charges an average of $500 a plate and ordered the foie gras with a side of caviar.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    19 days ago

    You should see the spin reddit is putting on this image

    they're saying it's ackshully totally normal, chuck schumer has never "been able" to own a house and have a back yard with a grill (just like smol bean AOC!!) and he said so, and said it was just a fun photo shoot in his son's yard for fun in a fun way and totally not an extremely weird picture with cheese on raw meat

    • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
      19 days ago

      I'm wondering if they were frozen patties that somebody defrosted in the microwave, but then decided "fuck it" and did a few minutes at high until they were "done"

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        19 days ago

        They still have a little of that uncooked texture to them, so I think they're just patties that have been sitting out too long

        • Dolores [love/loves]
          19 days ago

          i bet boiling would look like that too. i wouldnt put any of these possibilities past him but he seems geezer enough that he'd do something absurd like boil-->short grill to make marks

          e: wait fuck if they were sous vide that's actually a respectably recommended method. i think internet shaq did a video on it

  • MaeBorowski [she/her]
    19 days ago

    I hate to be "that" person, but could you please put a content warning on this for the meat?

          19 days ago

          If you are a part of it. As someone who was born and comes from a long line of vegetarians.

          Whats up with not liking dairy? Is it the digestion?

          Edit: for anyone else stumbling into this, its cuz they eat the milk source in most countries and cultures

          • NewAcctWhoDis [any]
            19 days ago


            Edit: for anyone else stumbling into this, its cuz they eat the milk source in most countries and cultures

            It's much worse than that, dairy itself is a problem.

          • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
            19 days ago

            It's not about ”not liking” dairy. It's about it being an exploitative industry, and eating dairy basically means you're contributing to the meat industry too. There's no retirement home for cows that stop producing milk.

            Also, it should go without saying, but adult humans don't need milk, especially from another species.

              • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
                19 days ago


                adult humans don't need milk, especially from another species

                  19 days ago

                  As an Indian who was fasting today, milk was the primary source of nutrition. Its not about need but the availability and nutrition values, i certainly stay clear of camel or goat stuff. You don't need high fructose corn syrup either

                  Plus I like cows, grew up with em, theyre better than dogs

                  • dat_math [they/them]
                    19 days ago

                    s I like cows, grew up with em, theyre better than dogs

                    Do you know how dairy workers use the cows to produce milk?

                      19 days ago

                      India? Yes. Is why we have milkmen with gaushalas who deliver every morning. (English were savages and have no real word for it)

                      • dat_math [they/them]
                        19 days ago

                        Okay keep going. What has to happen before the milkperson delivers the milk?

                          19 days ago

                          He wakes up, wakes the cows up, lines them up, does a lil prayer, washes them up, milks em, feeds em with half green half dry grass, waters half the milk down cuz corrupt, hands it to me and takes my money

                          These places dont have the number of cows "other countries" do, even the scale ones arent as bad as ive seen on 'how its made' or documentaries

                          • dat_math [they/them]
                            19 days ago

                            Okay keep going. What has to happen before cows produce milk that can be extracted?

                              19 days ago

                              Its a yearly thing, baby is born, baby stays for 5 or so months, then when they are good on grass, they are either sent off to another cow keeper, farmer if ox or kept-is it that hard to comprehend cows living peacefully in a country that considers them sacred?

                              Why must I explain cow maintenence in India when all i wanted to know was why vegans dont consume dairy?

                              • dat_math [they/them]
                                19 days ago

                                Why must I explain cow maintenence in India when all i wanted to know was why vegans dont consume dairy?

                                If you'll humor me, I'm walking you through a few of the reasons.

                                Its a yearly thing, baby is born, baby stays for 5 or so months, then when they are good on grass, they are either sent off to another cow keeper, farmer if ox or kept

                                As you describe, typically, the calves are separated from their mother, whose excess milk is then harvested and consumed by humans like you. The male calves are culled, eaten, or (rarely) used for breeding. This alone is fundamentally exploitative and vegans like me believe supporting it is morally reprehensible. But if that isn't sufficiently questionable for your scruples, in order to produce the separated calf (and stimulate milk production), the dairy cows are regularly forcibly inseminated. When they are no longer productive, they are culled and their carcasses are deconstructed and sold for as much profit as possible. Obviously cows cannot consent to any of this.

                                s it that hard to comprehend cows living peacefully in a country that considers them sacred

                                If that country allows the proliferation of an industry that profits from the extraction of products oftheir bodies, yes.

                                  19 days ago

                                  Your whole second point about culling and forced insemination falls off in Outside the cultures that enjoy its consumption.

                                  The last point stands for every food consumed.

                                  Look it up instead of arguing with me? A person online who was only interested in vegan food choices and not a discussion about dairy practices in the west?

                              • queermunist she/
                                18 days ago

                                In addition, cows have to be tricked into letting their milk down to be collected by humans. Without their calf present they'll hold their milk and nothing comes out.

                                In short, it's theft.

                  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
                    19 days ago

                    You don't need high fructose corn syrup either

                    I don't, but good thing I'm not American so I don't ingest that stuff.

          • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
            19 days ago

            The general consensus of the Hexbear vegan community is that animal products come from exploitation that is wholly unethical. The wider site has mixed feelings on this, and after many a struggle session the peace was made by the mods having people mark pictures of meat NSFW and telling everyone to stop fighting about veganism in general.

          • booty [he/him]
            19 days ago

            Dairy cows are forcibly impregnated (repeatedly) because unlike what you've been taught, cows do not just produce milk. But with the milk also comes a baby cow of course, so they take the baby cow and they torture it to death (that's what veal is) or they raise it as a beef cow or as another dairy cow to continue the cycle. Now that the baby is out of the way, they steal the milk and sell it to you and repeat the process. They do this for a few years until their brutalized victim is literally too exhausted and unhealthy to produce milk anymore, at which point they murder it and sell its meat to you too (cows can live for decades, this happens after only a few years).

      • MaeBorowski [she/her]
        19 days ago

        Yeah, it's in the code of conduct: Any pictures of food containing animal products, including but not limited to meat, cheese, or egg, must be tagged nsfw along with food discussion content warnings (CW: Food).

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    19 days ago

    Why don't the wealthy like grilling? What the fuck are these people eating? They're always so weird about food, but it's like if I were wealthy I would actually eat the food at the attractions. If I didn't care about spending $25 for chicken tenders at a basketball game then why not? That sensation was one of my favorite parts of being abroad. The meals increased from $3 to $6 while I was a captive audience. I went down to the bar to get a bottle of water and a juice and I thought the teenagers at the bar had said it was going to cost 10x what they took. When they gave me the change back I was confused for a moment.

    Are the rich exclusively getting fancy dining and private chefs? Is it always the plate with the little bit of sauce whipped onto it? Do they not sometimes want a simple meal they make themselves without having to text somebody that they're hungry? Do they also have someone draw for them? Do they have exploited labor journal for them as well? "Here Jones, take my phone and go be out and enjoy nature in my stead, I have to go make sure children don't eat." I want to pity them for never experiencing the stillness that comes from household chores.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      19 days ago

      What the fuck are these people eating?

      The rich and powerful are different from you and me. They're fucking freaks. This was Nixon's last meal at the White House...


      He could have had his chef prepare pretty much anything and White House chefs are well-known for being fantastic. It's their job is to give the president exactly what he wants. And Nixon wanted that.

      The Sad, Stately Photo Of Nixon's Resignation Lunch : The Salt : NPR

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        19 days ago

        this just checks the boxes of 2000s internet wtf but in its context it was not at all unusual. if anything it comes off as a feeble attempt to appeal to common people

        cottage cheese + canned pineapple was a classic cheap meal & it's kind of absurd to be rendered in such a formal presentation with presumably fresh pineapple. the tall glass of milk was also not so poorly received as it is now for adults.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          19 days ago

          The way attitudes to milk have changed is super weird. It used to be like... Normal. We had milkmen! Everyone drank milk.

          Now it's weird if you're not a child?

    • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
      19 days ago

      i just assume all of them have gastro probs and have to blast diarrhea within 30 mins after eating, and absolutely refuse to have an attack of the ploppies in a public place or away from places under their control.

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      19 days ago

      I remember reading at the old sub that Mitch McConnell only ate some mush that was basically gruel. Not sure how truthful that was, but I can believe these soulless fucks don't even enjoy food.

      Most of them are really old too, so that's probably got something to do with it.

  • D61 [any]
    19 days ago

    Not a single drop of sweat on that shirt for a guy standing over a "lit" BBQ...

    Also... a very very empty cutting board. No empty trays that held the dogs or burgers, no wrappers, not even a clean plate to put the cooked food on...

  • Adkml [he/him]
    19 days ago

    It would have been so much fucking easier to just grill some fucking burgers.

    At least the means testing brainstorm are so terminal they inflict it on themselves and make everything as complicated and ineffective as possible for them too.

    Like did they grill the sausages, add them to the grill and currently he's huffing gas because the lines are open but there's clearly no flame.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]M
      19 days ago

      As is said in a reply to someone else lots of sausages come precooked

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    19 days ago

    the grill literally is on lmao. i don't like him either but come on this is redditbrained nerd "wow sir VERY unrelatable to the average joe to put to the cheese on the patty that op"

    • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
      19 days ago

      Sorry to be that asshole but you can have knobs turned to the "on" position and not have any gas tanks hooked up. In that pic, you really can't tell if there's any tanks there.

      Combine that with what looks like raw patties, one with a slice of cheese on top, unmelted, and possibly pre cooked sausages or hot dogs, and this becomes a case of heartbreaking , to which you really don't have to hand it to them. Just acknowledge and move on.

      • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
        19 days ago

        I mean the dogs look like they're grilling, don't think you can buy them with that look

        • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
          19 days ago

          You don't have buy them. You just have to have someone else cook them for you at another time.

          Zooming in, those casings look a little shriveled, like they've been sitting a while.

          • Nakoichi [he/him]M
            19 days ago

            Most sausages come precooked I have worked in grocery for almost 20 years

          • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
            19 days ago

            I'm not saying that the man is literally cooking the burgers on anything but a low flame - but there are flames if you actually zoom in on the original image.


            • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
              19 days ago

              That may or may not be flame.

              Those patties don't have any type of char on the underside of them. In fact, all five on the grill have no kind of searing, like they were put on the grill first, then it was just turned on, if it's on.

              Either way, Chucky The Shoe just comes off as an unrelatable jackass and an idiot.