abc [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 208 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Is the tavern open for business?

    The tavern as it stood on Granite 1, Year 103 last night when I closed out of it didn't have any rentable rooms. It is open to visitors and had 1-2 human/dingo-people visitors at essentially all times after I built the mist generator. I was not particularly worried about theft because Hex is pastured right in the entrance hallway to the tavern (and I even considered chaining a war dog in the tavern as well but there hasn't been any crimes requiring it yet)

    I didn't touch any of the artifacts unless they were furniture that could be used to improve the quality of a room. The artifact copper bed Porkroll made in his year is currently in the room assigned to the mayor. I believe an artifact cabinet or table is also in the room or perhaps in the Captain of the Guard's room.

    This fort is much neater than anything I make lmao.

    SAME lol. Most of my forts use one 20x20 'everything but refuse' stockpile and a single workshop nearby of each type; meanwhile this fortress has at least 15 different stockpiles spread out across different z-levels and like at least 2 of each craft workshop. It has actually inspired me to get better at stockpile management because wow, I knew instinctively that having individual fuel, metal bar, and stone stockpiles right next to the smelter/smithy would result in them sitting down and doing an entire workorder at once rather than take 2 months because they have to travel up 10 z-levels to the central stockpile and bring back a single bar of iron for the next sword, but I didn't want to believe it (mainly because setting stockpiles is a pain in the ass imo). Same thing with the apartments Porkroll built - holy shit I dunno why I've always done 5x3 rooms for EVERY dwarf on a single z-level and lamented quickly running out of space when it is much easier to just build an u/d staircase in the middle of two unoccupied z-levels and just mine out the apartments from there.

    I'm now worried about how much I'll be judged for making anything I add intentionally disorganised and with that home-ey lived-in feel lol.

    I had the same fear for like the first hour or two I played which is largely why I think I focused more on building bridges/the mist generator and building out the petitioned zones instead of mining further down, as I would've normally certainly established some sort of funky farm in the cavern that dwarves would've been running back and forth between without any defense - but I think if no one (yet) has berated me for using the platinum for the chapel floor and then building a 7x8 room for the mayor, you should be perfectly fine going for a more natural kind of fortress with disorganized areas and unfinished rooms!!

  • The fact that a war bear has been acquired is almost prophetic for Hexbear.

    Agreed. I was like ferret-poggers when I saw it in the elf caravan. quickest I've ever sold a bunch of excess cloth although the rest of my playthrough was basically "oh god Hex is fighting another horse?? she's gonna die!!"

    What does map have? Does it have a river?

    There is a river right near the entrance of the fortress, see the bridge pic. I was initially going to make a mist generator for the entire central stairway & fortress below via channeling the river and a bunch of grates every z-level, but I didn't wanna tank the FPS and also have to worry about accidentally flooding everything by forgetting to drain it off the side of the map. A waterwheel probably would've also been better for power but I love having a bunch of windmills powering anything for the first like 20-30 levels built atop a hill/mountain.

    I'm surprised you got no strange moods. Someone is gonna get 3 next year.

    There were actually like 2-3, including the bone rack, just nothing notable like weapons or armor. Erush Vzolfeb made a masterpiece (or maybe artifact, I only wrote down that they made something) clay figurine during Slate. I believe the other thing was a toy or relatively useless craft as well. Nothing was sold/given away so they all should be in some stockpile or otherwise in the hands of some dwarf (for example the artifact copper bed I stuck in the Mayor/Future Duke's room since I figured it would be best used for whoever has the highest room quality need at the time rather than sitting in the stockpile).

  • rat-salute-2 Work has been hell but the fortress has not been abandoned!! Will probably be posted later tonight or sometime tomorrow at the latest; I just need to finish out the months of Opal & Obsidian and write up the post which I'll probably get done in the wee hours of the morning.

  • Yeah but PTO to me is more of anything ranging from 'hey I don't feel like working today I'm not coming in' (although tbh if you have sick days you should use them for that kind of stuff imo) to 'hey I'm going on a week long trip in August, I will be out between X-Y dates'.

    It sounds like your PTO is more 'you get X weekday off every 3 weeks' with zero flexibility.

    Without that flexibility, at least to me, it is less PTO and more of a 'scheduled paid day off'. shrug-outta-hecks I'm acting like I haven't recently had a PTO request denied at work that wound up pissing me off (my supervisor constantly says I am like the sole person on the team who rarely takes sick days/PTO) because my supervisor, when I asked why it was denied, told me 'sorry we have too many people out that week' - which to me isn't how PTO should work. I should be able to take it whenever I want, I already earned the time off and I requested it off like a month in advance so it shouldn't be on me to ensure there's an adequate amount of people working - that's a 'earns $10.00/hour more than me but does like 60% less work' supervisor's job!!!

    But who knows, it may actually be one of those ideal situations! I just wouldn't vibe with it personally and would probably not accept the position based on that unless they ensured me that I could at the very least, schedule when I'd be off.

  • 52 weeks in a year means you'd get just over 17 'PTO' days/year, assuming you get one exactly every 3 weeks (although I imagine the work-week bullshit would apply where you have to factor in holidays that fall on Mondays and whatnot). the national 'average' is what, like 10-14 days?

    It's definitely a scam to make you take less but think you're getting more exactly how you're imagining it. For reference, my full-time job upon hiring paid out 4.3 HOURS of PTO every pay-period - so every 2 weeks I'd get 4.3 hours, meaning I'd earn a 'day' of PTO once a month. Seems pretty equivalent, if not slightly worse, right? Since 26*4.3 = 118.8/8 = 13.975 days of PTO earned in a year. Except that there's no issue with me taking a half-day or taking an entire week off, provided I have the PTO accrued to cover 4 or 40 hours.

    I'd literally see red hearing "sorry no you can't take off that day, your next day off is Wednesday, July 3rd based on the schedule" or some bullshit. That isn't PTO exactly - that's just a day I'm not on the schedule.

  • kudzu is not even a problem compared to more invasive plants/vines like ENGLISH IVY (which is present in like 47 states iirc) and JAPANESE KNOTWEED (42/50 states) & that isn't even bringing up hyper-competitive decorative trees/shrubs like **ALL TYPES OF PRIVET ** but mfers who can't tell the difference between kudzu, mile-a-minute, and knotweed when they're driving on 70kmh on a highway/road will have you believe kudzu has swallowed the entirety of southern forests when in reality it doesn't really like anything further than the forest edge or an open field.

    Kudzu grows fast and is a bitch to get rid of once established, sure, but it doesn't actually reproduce fast - it only disperses like a couple of seeds yearly and those don't immediately germinate. Meanwhile Japanese Knotweed, by the way, is perfectly happy creating its own little thicket in worse areas than kudzu does like frequently flooded areas, the shorelines of creeks/streams, and even straight through asphalt.


    Kudzu spreads quickly thanks to its runners; Japanese Knotweed does that and then ups the ante by dispersing a fuckton more seeds by wind & water & bird.

    Don't get me started on privets - literally rented a house a few years ago that had a fairly young (maybe 4-5 years old) Chinese Privet that was the only thing in the (largely uncared for) backyard because the topsoil hadn't been amended in years so it was largely nutrient starved loamy sand. Told the landlord the privet was invasive and bound to fill the entire backyard in a few years with its offspring & clones. Pointed out that the tree itself was growing right next to the wooden deck (literally it was planted right next to the corner post) & eventually would either begin to overtake it or. Asked if I could cut it down & offered to even spend my own money treating the stump so it didn't grow back and buying/planting some native alternatives.

    "Please do not make any alterations to the yard that cannot be mowed or easily removed after your lease is up. And no, we'd like the tree to stay." landlord-spotted

    I spent so much time making sneaky cuts into the trunk and applying herbicide in the hopes that fucker would die, but it was still thriving by the time my lease ended two years later. I did fix the rest of the backyard though by buying a bunch of native bird seed & 'feeding' the birds by spreading it out back with extra compost I wasn't using for my potted plants. Landlord was very surprised to see a bunch of milkweed plants and clover covering the backyard when they came by for the move-out inspection but I know in my heart they probably mowed that shit down 2 days after I moved out so the privet could out-compete literally nothing. eviscerated