CommunistBear [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2021


  • Oh man this just reminded me of an interaction I had. I was walking my dog and seemed to startle an older guy. He remarked about how cute my dog is and how he loves dogs. Normal, pleasant interaction. He then said "not cats though, I shoot those fuckers if they're on my lawn" and mimicked shooting a rifle while smiling. What in the fuck is wrong with boomers?

  • Holy shit the transphobia on reddit-logo is bad. I generally avoid default reddit-logo like the plague but I got bored this morning and checked out r/all. Enormous mistake. I'm not even trans and the amount of psychic damage I took from 5 minutes in one of the threads was so intense I had to gtfo. It's like weaponized ignorance and frothingfash mixed into one. I don't even know what words to use anymore to describe how bad it is. The level of hitler-detector was through the fucking roof. Like, I knew transphobia was rampant but my brief time in this wonderful space almost lulled me into a false sense of "maybe it's not so bad". Fuck that. Anyone who self identifies as a redditor deserves the barbara-pit

  • Idk about you but I'm stuck here. There's no real way I can get out of this fucking place. I have no education nor vast sums of cash to buy my way out. My best case scenario is finding a foreigner to marry and gtfo that way but I'm pretty sure my partner wouldn't be too happy about that

  • I've maintained my sobriety streak for around 50+ days now. I'm kind of regretting not having a definitive start date since it's a little difficult to put an exact number on it but all things considered it's not super important. I've managed to go to parties, hang out with friends, go to family functions, and go to bars while also still feeling like I'm sociable and fun so I'll consider those "tests" of my sobriety to have been successful.

    My main goal has been to get my eating more under control and by that I mean eating more and consistently. I've eaten breakfast and lunch every day for the past week or so. I'm now maintaining my caloric needs instead of slowly losing weight. I didn't realize how many calories of alcohol I was consuming until I stopped and weight started flying off, so even getting to maintenance levels is a good sign for me imo. Now I just need to maintain and start working towards a slight surplus.

    I have yet to start any kind of fitness venture because I've been both lazy and preoccupied with riding my motorcycle. I managed to put just under 300 miles on it in a week which probably isn't that much all things considered but my commute to work is ~1 mile so it's basically all been leisure rides. That being said, I have started to feel the itch to start lifting again so as soon as I find a gym near me that isn't a complete piece of shit with half of the machines broken I'll probably sign up again. Either I spend a whole bunch of money on a decent gym with good equipment and moderate levels of people or I go cheap and it's basically a waste of time since all of the decent machines are taken and there's 2x the number of people in the gym that it can handle. Very tempted to find some stuff on craigslist and just buy my own gym