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Location: Southern Ireland

Picture: Cerberus heatwave over the Iberian peninsula and southern France

    • eleitl@lemmy.mlM
      1 year ago

      Thanks for keeping these coming. It sounds like you could profit from splitting your plot into experiments, including baseline for control.

      How is your soil pH doing? Have you considered paying for soil analytics once to check for potential problems?

      I'll be adding some wild type sunchokes to my grass roof this autumn. The last time I used commercial cultivars which became a pest but never flowered.

      Most of the new plants I add are eaten alive by snails and bugs. Jerusalem artichokes seem to thrive and bear fruit, which is rare.

    1 year ago

    Location: Czechia

    Absolutely no bugs or birds. It's on the decline for some years but it's just earily quiet this summer.

    1 year ago

    Location: Central Germany

    Cerberus heatwave mostly spared us here with only Saturday being a freakishly hot day (28°C --> 38°C temp jump for a day) but it showed me once again how badly prepared most older buildings are for what is to come.