...So you pick up a history book to figure out US's angle

From Peter Dale Scotts: American War Machine-Deep Politics, The Cia and the Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan





TL:DR the US turned Burma-Laos and Thailand into a heroin growing triangle (The Golden Triangle) much like they did with the Mafia in Sicily and Marseilles.

The Drug traffickers and drug money became a huge way of CIA to implant bourgeois ideology and suppress communists and the growing popularity of the PRC. They even used ex-Nazis as agents for drug smuggling. It also gave US unfettered access to Myanmars tungsten reserves.

This enitre coalition was directed at China of course.

  • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You know you can be wrong about a handful of things sometimes, have a capitalist background


    I’m not asking you to unquestingly absorb everything that Giles says

    I'm sure he has done useful academic work. I do not trust him to identify US-sponsored color revolutions. This thread is determining to what degree the Thai protests are a US-sponsored color revolution.

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Well by all mean find other Thai Marxists. 0.00% are on the side of LandDestroyer. Is this not obvious??

      • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Well by all mean find other Thai Marxists.

        I'm working on it. The Marxist-Leninist party in Thailand (CPT) has been criminalized by both the current government & the previous government, which Giles' family played a central role in.

        • ButtBidet [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm def very critical of Giles. It's just incredibly weird to be so harsh on him yet take a right wing blog as gospel. Does this not make sense? Why dig deeply into the wording of a communist yet ignore actual lies from a reactionary?? Please don't ignore this one, because I keep needing to ask it.

          which Giles’ family played a central role in.

          What? Elaborate please.

          • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Where have I taken a Right-wing blog as gospel?

            I have stated four facts:

            1. The NED has invested millions into funding "pro-democracy" groups in Thailand.
            2. The Nation reported in March 2020 that iLAW in Thailand was created with foreign backing. That article was removed from their website in the past couple months, but I found it on Archive.org.
            3. Donald Trump's State Department awarded the leading "pro-democracy" figures in Thailand high honors in 2018.
            4. Brian Berletic (pen name Tony Cartalucci or Land Destroyer) claims that there are sources, which have since been purged from the internet, claiming many of these "pro-democracy" groups can be traced back to the 2014 coup & the US Embassy in Bangkok. I have not dug through Archive.org to proof or disproof these allegations.

            I have dug equally deep into Brian and Giles Ji Ungpakorn. The fact you call one a Right-winger and one a communist shouldn't dissuade me from doing my own research.

            Brian is a worker, who does industrial design in Bangkok. He also freelance writes on issues in Southeast Asia. [1] I can't find any major government or capital connections for Brian yet.

            Giles is an academic, whose family is closely-tied to finance & NGO operations in Thailand. He is the son of a well-decorated comprador bourgeoisie, who was the Bank of Thailand governor & a Member of the Order of the British Empire. [2]

            which Giles’ family played a central role in.

            I'd recommend scouring the internet for all dissident references to Puey Ungphakorn & Jon Ungphakorn. The language barrier makes this difficult, since the writings are primarily from US expats (like Brian) or compradors (like Giles).

            • ButtBidet [he/him]
              4 years ago

              As far as I can see, the whole thing is the iLAW, which is not the main player.

              And in regards to you not reading Thai, ya no shit. Do you think that maybe the Thais know what's up in their own movement? Maybe a white person should be extra careful about judging an outside culture with limited knowledge?

              And frankly, I've had many a fight and disagreement with Giles. But to make shit up about his family and then not bother to respond or apologize is absolutely shit. His family was not responsible for laws against communism.

              • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                And in regards to you not reading Thai, ya no shit. Do you think that maybe the Thais know what’s up in their own movement?

                Yes, I'm sure Thai people understand what's going on their country better than I do. And I have found Thai sources both defending and opposing the ongoing protests. Thai people are not a monolith.

                Maybe a white person should be extra careful about judging an outside culture with limited knowledge?

                Not when my country conspires within their borders. Same goes for Syria, Hong Kong, Libya, Ukraine, etc.

                The American Left failed the world throughout the 2010's for its inability to distinguish popular uprising from color revolution. When the same institutions which supported these coups support the Thai protest, that must set off alarm bells in the minds of every American communist.

                I'd love it if my government wasn't funding regime change operations in Thailand.

                His family was not responsible for laws against communism

                I literally never said they were.

                I said his family held power during a government which criminalized the CPT. The fact that Giles was a "communist" and protected throughout the Thaksin Shinawatra government, while the CPT was criminalized, speaks volumes.

                • ButtBidet [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  which Giles’ family played a central role in.

                  Don't fucking backtrack from your original words, you reactionary.

                  • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
                    4 years ago

                    The Marxist-Leninist party in Thailand (CPT) has been criminalized by both the current government & the previous government, which Giles’ family played a central role in.

                    Why manipulate my quote? We are the only ones this far into the thread. You are only lying to yourself. I stand by my statement 100%. His family held influential roles in governments which criminalized the CPT. That is an undeniable fact.

                    I never said his family was "responsible" for anti-communism laws. They were complicit in a government which criminalized the CPT. Their specific orientation towards the CPT require further investigation. But the fact that Giles talks down to the CPT when they are banned in Thailand is informative [1]

                    • ButtBidet [he/him]
                      4 years ago

                      His family has nothing to do with the banning of the CPT. Go find me a source in them being responsible or gtfo. Yes, he's a Trot and takes positions different than another party, as Marxists can differentiation their position. I don't expect anyone here to 100% take the side of Mao or Sanders.

                      Yet here you are, slandering Giles yet saying nothing bad about LandDestroyer whom regularly. praises the monarchy and army.

                      • DeepPoliSci [none/use name]
                        4 years ago

                        His family has nothing to do with the banning of the CPT. Go find me a source in them being responsible or gtfo

                        Please, I'm begging you: read what I am saying.

                        I never said his family was “responsible” for anti-communism laws. They were complicit in a government which criminalized the CPT. Their specific orientation towards the CPT require further investigation. But the fact that Giles talks down to the CPT when they are banned in Thailand is informative.

                        Also, this isn't a matter of "taking a different position" than MLs. The CPT was literally criminalized under the same government which uplifted the Ungpakorn family to high-ranking positions. I cannot imagine being a communist in a country where their Communist Party is criminalized, and not making that a primary issue. The only time he references the CPT is to criticize them.

                        Yet here you are, slandering Giles yet saying nothing bad about LandDestroyer

                        Yes. I'm criticizing the academic with a well-connected family who's aligned with my country's interests on opposing the current government in Thailand. That is an issue which is relevant to me as a citizen of a country whose government wants to overthrow the Thai government and replace it with a client state. I don't find it worth my time to criticize a random blogger.

                        • ButtBidet [he/him]
                          4 years ago

                          Source that his family was complicit?

                          The only time he references the CPT is to criticize them.

                          Absolutely untrue. Are you not bored of making shit up?

                          I don’t find it worth my time to criticize a random blogger.

                          Yet you buy into his analysis, while ignoring the views of multiple Thai communists whom I've sourced this discussion.