Please for those not there yet make shit like this NSFW or something. Fuck.
Or don't go to places that will show anything related to something you don't want spoiled...? This is so obvious and simple. It's your own fault.
This showed up in all without opening it up. Don’t be a dink about spoilers.
No it isn't holy shit.
They did not come to 'RECENTLY AIRED SEASON FINALES OF' they came to a general fan community and you violated etiquette.
Worst part is it will probably be over a year from when the episode aired till we get a resolution.
More like 18 months.
It would have been a year had the third season gone into production May 2nd as originally scheduled. But with production on hold until the actors contract is settled, and a year for post after, we’ll be lucky to see it in late 2024.