I'm thinking of getting the Bambu Labs P1S, anything that I should be aware of? Anybody got one? Thoughts?

  • ketcham1009@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I've got a P1P that has been upgraded to a P1S. Leave the door open or the lid off when printing PLA (especially if using an AMS).

    Heat creep related jams are a pain to fix.

    • FabulousAardvark@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      I'd not heard this, that's really interesting to know coming from someone who has one, thanks.

      Printer alright apart from that?

      • ketcham1009@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        If the printer is fully enclosed (door and lid closed) and the print is long enough. The heat from the hotend and bed can build up in the chamber, causing heat creep. The chamber temperature is not monitored. Since the nozzle and heatbreak are one piece, removing the clog is a bit more involved.

        I've had to do it 3 times since I bought the printer on release. All were 12+ hour PLA prints and done after high temperature filament prints (nylon and abs).

        The issue is entirely preventable, just me forgetting to open the door on long prints lol.