Canada's Parliament just voted to declare it a genocide. And I've been seeing a lot of conflicting takes on it on twitter and here. From what I can gather from researching the main issue is lack of indication of full on genocide there, but there also seems to be a fair amount of evidence that these camps do exist. I fail to see how that is "good" as people on this site appear to be indicating?

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    CIA began funding and arming the separatists who have called for an "East Turkistan"

    Çatlı's acts of political agitation among the Uyghurs were designed to further the CIA's goal of transforming the Chinese province into a new Islamic republic, which the Agency had named East Turkistan. Since Xinjiang remained the primary source of oil and natural gas for much of mainland China, the creation of East Turkistan would serve to deprive the country of its vital natural resources, making China considerably less of an economic and political threat to the United States and the Western world. The Tarim Basin in the southern half of Xinjiang contained as much crude oil as Saudi Arabia.16 The new country was officially formed in Washington, DC, on September 14, 2004. Amidst the waving of American and Uyghur flags, Anwar Yusuf Turani, the prime minister, spoke of the new country's need of economic assistance and international recognition. Following the speech, Turani returned to his home—not in Xinjiang but in Fairfax, Virginia.17

    Paul L. Williams - Operation Gladio_ The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia -Prometheus Books (2015)Page 292,

    Throughout the 1990s, hundreds of Uyghurs were transported to Afghanistan by the CIA for training in guerrilla warfare by the mujahideen. When they returned to Xinjiang, they formed the East Turkistan Islamic Movement and came under Çatlı's expert direction.21 Graham Fuller, CIA superspy, offered this explanation for radicalizing the Chinese Muslims: The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them [Muslims] against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Red Army. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.22

    This policy of destabilization was devised by Bernard Lewis, an Oxford University specialist on Islamic studies, who called for the creation of an “Arc of Crisis” around the southern borders of the Soviet Union by empowering Muslim radicals to rebel against their Communist overlords.

    p.292, ibid

    Why is US in Afghanistan according to US Colonel Lawrence Wilkinson

    "Here is what it (the US beaureaucray) has decided for Afghanistan and that you don’t know this either we’re in Afghanistan as we were in Germany post-world War two that is for at least a half a century. It has nothing to do with Kabul and State Building. Nothing to do with fighting the Taliban or proving that we can reconcile with the Taliban and nothing to do with fighting any terrorist group it is everything to do with three primary strategic objective objectives.

    And as a former military officer as a professional I don’t necessarily object to these objectives. I just think the American people probably ought to be told about them and there ought to be a debate as to whether or not they want to spend their money on these objectives.

    First objective is to be in the place that Donald Rumsfeld discovered was the most difficult country in the world to get military power into in 2001 and take my word for it it is look at it on a map and leave it there because it is the only hard power of the United States has that sits proximate to the central base Road initiative of China that runs across Central Asia if we had to impact that with military power we are in position to do so in Afghanistan.

    Second reason we’re there is because we’re cheek and jowel with the potentially most unstable nuclear stock pile on the face of the earth in Pakistan we want to be able to leap on that stockpile and stabilize it if necessary.

    And the third reason we’re there is because there are 20 million Uyghurs and they don’t like han chinese and Xinjiang province in western china. And if the CIA has to mount an operation using those Uyghurs. As Erdogan has done in turkey against assad there are 20,000 of them ended up in Idlib, syria right now. For example that’s why the Chinese might be deploying military forces to Syria in the very near future to take care of those Uyghurs that Erdogan invited in well the CIA would want to destabilize China and that would be the best way to do it. To ferment unrest and to join with those we use in pushing the Han Chinese in Beijing from internal places rather than external

    Not saying it’s going on right now. You didn’t hear that but it is a possibility. So that’s why we’re there and I’ll wager they’re not a handful of Americans who realize that our military has decided that, for these strategic reasons which are well thought out, we’re going to be in Afghanistan for the next half century." - Col Lawrence Wilkinson

    In 2018 the USA bombed East Turkestan Islamic Movement and here's a US general talking about it. In 2020 US took ETIM off their terrorist list in an exact replay of the Kosovo Liberation Army. In 1996 KLA was a disparate tiny group. US takes them off the list and gets the muhjadeen training and arming them and within a few years the KLA is the main force that destroys the rump state of Yugoslavia and the US carves off Kosovo and implants a military base so large "it can withstand any internal revolutions of the country" (Diana Johnstone, Yugoslavia and Western Delusions)

    Uyghurs have been influenced by Wahhabist Islam and have been fighting all over the ME in ISIS /Al Qaeda and Al Nusra.

    What China is basically doing is a de-radicalisation program and putting those they deem at risk through trade schools to get jobs afterward. Is it heavy handed? Almost certainly.

    Are China Nazis? Well the West has set an entire region on fire and sent it back to the dark ages and China is educating their population so they dont fall for radical islam.

    Instead of you know sanctioning, carpet bombing, torturing or slitting the throats of children while waving nazi flags like the West does