• dukeGR4@monyet.cc
    11 months ago

    So the Gaza hospital being hit by Israel is proven to be fake news. It was not done by an aerial detonation but a misfire of Hamas rocket according to IDF’s aerial and Infrared imageries. US government and independent experts also confirmed it.

    There’s no crater to be found on the parking lot, non of the surrounding walls have any sort of damage. The casualty, extent of the damage were all exaggerated and used as propaganda by Hamas.

    There’s rumour of hostage exchanges? Israel needs to make a decision whether ~200 Israeli lives + further Palestinian deaths is worth getting rid of Hamas once and for all and preventing further Israeli deaths. This opportunity does not come often tho. Best if they just conduct a special operations and quietly extract the head honchos

    • Naomikho@monyet.cc
      11 months ago

      The problem is the cycle of hate will never end... The same goes for our country too.

    • OyenFuton@monyet.cc
      11 months ago

      Everyone in the office is under the weather and took MCs. Me awkwardly trying not to be awkward around my boss because there’s no one around. Fails successfully not to be awkward XD.

    • Naomikho@monyet.cc
      11 months ago

      Woke up to work at 6am... man I want to sleep but now I can't go back to sleep after being awake for so long