ARM instruction set has not changed very much at all since then and is in many chips in nearly every device. More are made than any other design.
She is also trans and transitioned in 1990s. Being a cis woman in technology can be frustrating even today. She was a trans woman in UK tech in 1990s.
This is a innovator in technology. Not Jobs, not Musk, not Gates. Wilson created the CPU design which is cheap, simple, efficient, strong, and has become universal today.
Gates was undeniably talented though, at least in his early career. Can't say the same about Musk and Bezos. Makes me sad that many people never got to realise their full potential because they weren't born as privileged as Gates.
Gates was undeniably talented at buying other people's shit and ruthlessly exploiting his early workforce
Go read about when he brought Ballmer on board. There's a reason dude was the successor despite being >10 years late to the party