I get that organizing is important, but I still don't actually know what that entails. Like what am I supposed to do? It's kind of like telling a straight guy who wants to get a girlfriend to just "be himself." So when I see someone complain about the hellworld we live in and a common response is "organize," it feels kinda condescending. Same with "join an org." What org? How do I know which one is good?

Like for real, why isn't there some sort of organizing guide or FAQ on here? There's a recommended routine for body weight fitness and there's even a 14 day primer on getting started (https://old.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/kofo8l/bwf_primer_buildup_community_event_day_1_happy/). So where is the organizing primer? I mean it can start with something really simple, i.e. "on Day 1, say hi to a neighbor if you see them out walking (no need to get into a convo unless it just happens)." Like tbh how about a 14 Day Primer for organizing? Even the radlibs on the Bernie campaign had training sessions before having volunteers do stuff like call, text, or canvass. Even pick-up-artist idiots have training programs (e.g. day 1 talk to a random stranger and ask them directions, just say your phone is dead, etc.). We should have one too.

  • dukeofprunes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    in the UK im joining the NIP (Northern independence party) as soon as I can go outside again. They are demsoc and I'm not really about the dem anymore but they seem like the best around and as someone else said an organisation is made up of the people in it, so more Marxists in there can only be a good thing right.