Usually in relation to Uighur camps, the argument is "since you're in America you can't change whether they're concentration camps or education facilities, so you should just concentrate on the concentration camps within your own borders instead."

Like, motherfucker, I can have an opinion on the actions in another country and still work on changing things I can change.

I guess my question is, is this concentrate on what you can change part of some theory or strategy I haven't read or is it just bad and lazy?

In particular for China it's essentially conceding to the people who thinks there are millions of Uighurs being murdered, rather than attempt to engage and show that there is no evidence of that, and just what abouting.

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So are you saying we should only focus locally, or that discussing things internationally is good?

    • skeletorsass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It is good when it opposes the imperial power you live under. It is bad when it aligns with them because you do not influence the enemies of your empire, and are only aiding the imperial narrative at home. The easy example for the United States that most already grasp is Iran. Iran is a reactionary theocracy, but you do not choose the politics of Iran. What your work can do is counter or aid the imperial narrative. Calling Ayatollah Khamenei the mean names will not make him go away, but it will slip into the US effort to create sentiment against Iran, which will help imperialist actions.

      Your international outlook should always be first anti-imperialist, because imperialism is the contradiction of international politics.

      • Baader [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It not only helps the imperialist actions (hurting the government), sentiments like OPs have hurt the Iranian people. If Iran wasn't seen as such a threat (which it is only to Isreal), the government couldn't impose sanctions that easily. And these sanctions hurt the iranian people, not the government. All OPs doing is making the life of struggling people even harder. Fuck OP

        • skeletorsass [she/her]
          4 years ago

          The imperialist actions are against both the government and the people always. There is a lie in the west that they can take actions against the government and not the people, especially repeated by the media. This is absurd.

          • Baader [he/him]
            4 years ago

            True. It's always the same story: The US government says it wants to hurt the foreign government, not the people. Yet, the people suffere serverely because stuff like medication and food is blocked even though it's not supposed to be included in the sanctions. No company is allowed to make buisness with these countries, which drives up domestic prices and inflation makes everyone poor. Iran has gotten so much worse since the US cancelled the atomic agreement.

      • OgdenTO [he/him]
        4 years ago

        This is useful, thank you, and actually provides a good framework for approaching this type of imperialist propaganda.

    • Baader [he/him]
      4 years ago

      No, we should focus on things that exsist. All you do is spread imperialism. Why can't so many western leftist get rid of their brainworms. Your western education is nothing but imperialist propaganda.

      Plus, when you live in the worst place on earth, you should probably concentrate on changing stuff there. You're not the world police. This has nothing to do with being lazy, you just don't know shit about anything outside the US, so why do you think your oppinion on them matters?

      • OgdenTO [he/him]
        4 years ago

        So what is the best action when there is a group of people parroting State department propaganda on China in a public forum and spreading imperialist propaganda?

        Is it just to suggest that they fix their own inhumane immigrant abductions, or is it provide a counterpoint by looking at what is true about the Xinjiang education facilities and workforce training, or is it to do nothing and let that propaganda sit there with nobody questioning it?