Without wishing to spoil anything because I think I have a somewhat unique concept, tone-wise I'm going for something a little Lovecraft, a little Resident Evil (especially the books), a little The Thing, and just a pinch of Dune and Metroid. Lots of grisly body mutation and fun violence wrapped around a chewy center of cosmic/psychadellic horror.

The plot concerns the sudden emergence of a [REDACTED] in a small coastal city on one of the frontier worlds of a SAAAGSC civillization (Semi-automated Above Average gay space communism). As the size, aggression, and reality-warping powers of the phenomenon increases, it has to harvest more and more neurons to sustain and expand it's earthly form, sending out nightmarish flesh-things to gather victims. With time running out, the few survivors must descend into the laboratory (which is by now overgrown with huge alien organs) from which the [REDACTED] came, close the portal to the {REDACTED] dimension, and kill the bloated, pulsating Capitalism allegory before it can assimilate all living tissue and sentience on the planet.

So why am I posting about it? Accountability! It'll be harder for me to post here instead of writing if I know that my comrades know that I should be writing. Even if nobody reads this post, I'll know it's here. I think my ultimate goal is to record it as an audiobook, since I've been told I have a soothing voice. When I think of all the cozy sleepless nights I've had with my bong, Kenshi, and a horror story playing in the background, I feel the need to give back, and a thrill at the idea that my work might one day be someone's go-to for relaxation. I may not be an engineer or a doctor, but I can do words. Speaking of which, time to tab back in and keep writing.