Immigration increases the reserve army of labour and drives down wages so i figure it would be beneficial for them so why do some (conservative) capitalists oppose it?

  • bottech [he/him]
    4 years ago

    But this still doesnt explain why they are so worried about the illegal immigration, for example the wall trump promised to build was supposed to decrease illegal immigration which according to you is against their interests, so why did the many capitalists supporting trump still want to do it? Or maybe is it just the case of them getting high off of their own supply of ideology?

    • Abraxiel
      4 years ago

      Some being high off their supply, some knowledge that it will never totally stem the tide of migrants, and some preparing for a future where there actually are massive waves of climate refugees. Also, some political theater and some nice contracts.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Dude, that wall was always a grift for contractors

    • pooh [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It's actually a pretty brilliant grift. First, they get into office by getting voters riled up against immigrants. Then, they proceed to blame the other side and do nothing to fix the situation, which creates a large pool of undocumented immigrant labor that has almost no labor rights/protections. Jobs for non-immigrants go away and wages go down, which makes people angry and leads to the same people getting elected. In the end, the cycle continues and nothing fundamentally changes.