I always forget about my naval. When I was younger I would never wash behind my ears.
Yeah, armpits... forget them from time to time.
No worries, you're perfectly normal 👍.
Signed: The guy with ADHD... probably... not diagnosed... have no idea 🤷... maybe it's the drugs...
On weekends I don't use deodorant so in the shower my armpits get a refresh.
I only use deodorant when going out or to events, which is pretty close to never nowadays 🤣.
Having been there; see if you can get a diagnosis. The medication is way cheaper and allowed me to stop self medicating completely, which has all sorts of other benefits.
No one diagnoses that here, I live in a fucked up country. Have to go abroad for that, but currently, no money for that, have a small kid 🤷.
Back of my neck! I always have a shower cap on on non shampoo days and I usually miss my neck.
My naval! I'm very thorough when showering - I absolutely hate feeling dirty. But I think the ol' belly button gets overlooked because of how concave it is.
my legs below the knee. tall girl issues plus i have a tiny shower they only get attention when i'm shaving them or the rare times i'm in the bath
Came here to say I don't think I've specifically targetted my legs in the shower (below the upper thigh) more than like 3 times in my entire life.