EDIT: Thank you for the support. I was feeling pretty shit and needed this.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Just stay comfy, y’all. :) Be nice to each other

      This comm is really not the place for this behaviour, if you don't have something nice to say just shh? Especially when a person is very clearly upset and trying to find something to fix that. This dirtbag-left way of speaking and ragging on anyone and everything rudely is fun in the rest of chapo but the people here are vulnerable, it doesn't belong in this space.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          4 years ago

          It is definitely reactionary to call leninists fascists and yet act like posadists are good people. These views are obviously distorted.

            • Awoo [she/her]
              4 years ago

              That's the liberal definition of reactionary. The marxist definition of reactionary in this context is those whose vocalised ideas might appear socialist in nature but contain elements of [insert ideology that is not marxist here], ranging from feudalist to liberal to outright fascist. Vaushv for example regularly spouts reactionary shit. The anti-idpol crowd are reactionary. Etc etc. Those who claim to be socialist of some variety and yet have obviously flawed thought that contains elements of incorrect non-socialist ideology that they have not critically addressed. Calling leninists fascist is definitely reactionary and counter revolutionary, we need to build the class consciousness to reach critical mass, we can in-fight when we're remotely close to an actual revolution, it's very counter-revolutionary during the period of class consciousness building when really we're all saying the same things to the proletariat we're trying to educate out of being libs and into marxists.

              • kristina [she/her]
                4 years ago

                thats specifically a leninist definition of reactionary. a marxist definition is far different.

                material conditions ultimately cause the style of revolution imo. america leans anarchist for a lot of reasons relating to conditions here. anti-government sentiment is generally very common and popular. you can argue that the style of revolution that may be caused by these conditions would fail, but that also occurred in russia, too.

                • Awoo [she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  You can. Tankies reject being "ultra" and are willing to accept imperfect adaptations and changes based on material conditions in order to achieve imperfect but step-change improvements to the current situation. This includes accepting compromise with liberal positions such as using some markets, for example. You can certainly sling the word reactionary at that. They'll fiercely debate that Marx discusses the fact of imperfect socialism and imperfect communism will exist and that's ok, just as the paris commune was imperfect, change is a process, but you're definitely within your right to sling the word at tankies and enter into those debates. Or just use "lib brained" if you like. Both work for the same thing. There is absolutely a different definition between the liberal "return to a past state" and the marxist usage though, it must be documented somewhere and I'm sure someone better-read than I am with a better memory will know where.

                    • Awoo [she/her]
                      4 years ago

                      Yeah probably simplistic. My point was that the marxist use is different. I don't care about the common use in liberal spaces anyway, there's a very clear different usage in socialist spaces in the perjorative and that usage is best described as an equivalent to "lib-brained".

                      I'm not really the one "diluting" the word here. Engels and Marx used it this way to attack other socialists all the time, you can find it in exactly the same usage in Lenin and Rosa's period too so it sustained the same use for over a century. It is absolutely not some new thing.