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  • Kaputnik [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My favourite part is the people in the comments saying this is real rap not like that mumble crap all the kids are listening to

  • WittyProfileName [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Holy shit this is bad. Like, I unironically listen to that Ned Flanders metal band, and even I don't have tastes shit enough to enjoy this.

    • post_trains [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's funny seeing the divide at WSB. The old guard of inveterate options gamblers and the even rarer people from the bizarro swing trade day are basically relegated to the megathread screaming "normies get out," while all the posts are just Gamestop related GIFs.

  • kuttarbaccha [they/them]
    4 years ago

    This feels like an attempt to glorify the parasitic lifestyle of living off investments. I don't judge anyone who has to do whatever they need to survive and make their lives comfortable. But profiting off the labor of others and earning your living in such a parasitic manner should not be celebrated. It's interesting that they are also attacking hedge funds in the lyrics, but I feel like there is nothing more hedge funds would like than to have more people getting into the market. The more money that's being poured in the more they have the potential to make.