The original superman movie also sucks a lot.
The original superman movie also sucks a lot.
There is no such thing as a fully developed superhero. This stuff is design-by-committee products aimed at children, not supposed to have complicated themes and ideas.
The "Parents" episode actually made me cry, it was so good, and it hit so close to home. My father also used to be afraid of picking up the phone, even though he speaks pretty good english.
Personally I don't feel too bothered by it, but that's mostly because I didn't spend my whole life growing up in the west. And it's not like we ourselves don't make fun of these same sex pests all the time, it's not like we don't constantly do the exaggerated indian-uncle accent as a joke. But I imagine for some desi kid who grew up as a minority and had to constantly deal with hearing things like "thank you, come again" from people who don't look like them, it must be harmful.
During my college years, a white guy once told me that I smell like curry, it was just a joke, he wasn't being malicious, just some friendly banter. But it hurt me so much that I think I never touched curry for many years, even though I love curry. So I can absolutely understand how it must feel different when you know the person making fun of your culture or your people is an outsider.
But at the same time to me it feels somewhat hypocritical to claim something like oh you can't make fun of desi people unless you are one yourself, you can't do the indian accent unless you are one yourself. After all no brit has ever been offended by me making fun of their absolutely awful food or their weird accents. So honestly I don't know how to feel about this, maybe the only way forward is more representation of brown people in media and by normalizing the idea that subcontinental people can be as diverse and different from each other as any other group. So that even if stereotypes exist and are being made fun of by everyone, the indian kids growing up can still have some examples to look at and tell themselves - no it's not my ethnicity that is the butt of the joke, it's just silly behavior of some individuals that is being mocked. And I think Master of None is such a perfect example of this, we need more shows like master of none.
Keep in mind evolutionary psychology is not science, it's a bunch of nonsense.
Hell is not real. If you want him to suffer you need to take action to make it happen. Otherwise there is no point in celebrating the fact that he spent his whole life in luxury and comfort, and was celebrated as a brilliant statesman and a great man.
Django is the better film. Inglorious Basterds had great potential, but he had to cut so much out of it that it doesn't flow very well in places, for example we don't get that cool freeze frame for every basterd like it was planned initially.
But Django I feel is classic Tarantino, it's fantastic, the pacing is absolutely perfect.
It's scary to me too and I am a communist. A lot of organized religions encourage people to be happy and complacent with their station in life, because only the afterlife matters. Not to mention the many archaic laws and revelations these religions still cling to that create a toxic culture of fear and oppression in the lives of billions of voiceless people in the world.
No they did not turn class traitor.
No, the royals are not billionaires, they are far worse. There is not a single billionaire on the face of the earth right now whose wealth is the result of as much suffering and death as the british monarchy.
Harry could literally blow up Westminster when they go back home to visit for Easter and take all of em out and you’d be here saying it still wasn’t good.
Exactly, that's my point, there is absolutely nothing someone from the royal family can do for them to be considered "good". Any attempt at sanitizing their image from inbred incompetent idiots to something positive is simply buying into the royal PR and marketing machine and letting their narrative win. There is no better rallying cry to unite the working class of the world than by attacking the british monarchy and the members of this institution.
But she still did a good thing with that and you aren’t going to win anyone over in the real world with such a holier than thou attitude.
Maybe not in the west, but I have never in my whole life, that I have spent in academia and in organizing, ever met anyone who is sympathetic to the monarchy. I understand that to the westerners, who grow up consuming the sort of media that present the royals as saints and activists, any attack on the good royals might feel a little offensive, and for this reason I should have perhaps been less harsh in my pronouncement. I am sorry for that, but I want you to take a second and try to understand that when you say things like "she still did a good thing", it is still a very naive thing to say, it's the same as claiming billionaires with charities, which by the way are all of them, are doing good things.
Certainly nobler than being a curmudgeon on the internet.
I disagree, even a child who has yet to even learn to walk has already accomplished much more for humanity than any royal.
And the very concept of being a royal and "raising money" to help people is so incredibly funny that I am almost at a loss of words to explain it properly. See these people are parasites, their entire station in life, fame and wealth is built upon the oppression of billions of people and the theft of their labor all over the world. If they really wanted to help then why would one of the richest and most powerful dynasties in the world need to raise money? They could just spend all their ill gotten wealth, if they really wanted that pat in the back.
More importantly, like with any charities run by capitalists, no matter how much money they launder into these "humanitarian" causes for PR, it doesn't come close to repairing the damage they cause by accumulating and hoarding that wealth in the first place. The wealth of the british monarchy is stolen from not just the british working class but from people all around the world and from the genocide of millions, including my ancestors. My people had to be under the heels of these bloodsuckers for 200 years, and now I am being told that a few millions they threw away into charity to launder their image should make me celebrate them? Absurd.
Sorry, I am perhaps being a a little too harsh, I understand a lot of you are young ones who are getting into politics, which is why I am trying to be as patient as I can, but please don't defend the royals. No communist will want solidarity with western leftists who defend the royals.
No, it didn't achieve anything. The only thing the royal PR brought attention to is how great she was. There is no darkness in my mind, the only unfortunate thing about the death of any royal is that they didn't die at the hands of heroes like Khudiram.
This is incorrect. Capitalist charities and celebrities are very good at taking credit for the work of millions of activists and organizers who are the ones actually getting things done after a lot of struggle and bloodshed. If you really think Diana's advocacy or rather her publicized photo shoots accomplished anything of value then you are simply buying into the royal marketing and PR.
You still have no reason to look into it, to consume this nonsense, you are better off like this. Don't get into the drama, it's part of the package, the royals are simply a product that sells really well. All the intrigue and mystery surrounding that worthless woman that died in a car crash just makes it a more intriguing package, it gives the drama conflict which every good drama needs.
No, none of them are human, none of them deserve anything. I am sorry but I cannot accept this.
This map would really make a lot of people in the subcontinent very very angry.
Except I have been to both Korea and UK. And the truth is that Koreans are far more critical of their government than the brits are of their monarchy.