Google translated.

There are at least 70 million sexual minorities in China. Because of the lack of corresponding legal protection, most of these groups suffer from discrimination and unfair treatment from schools, workplaces, and society.

According to the "Survey Report on the Living Conditions of Sexual Minorities in China" released by the United Nations Development Program, 77% of LGBT students have experienced discrimination in schools, and the response rate received by sexual minorities in the job search process is lower than that of the mainstream 5-7% of the crowd.

In order to realize the "civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, and rule of law" in our socialist core values, we hope to use legal means to help sexual minorities who encounter discrimination and injustice , and promote the protection of sexual minorities by law and the society. The public's understanding and acceptance of sexual minorities.

Based on this, the Multi-Future Charity Fund is officially launched!

The public welfare fund will realize the equal rights and interests of diverse gender groups through social advocacy and legal channels, and aims to pay more attention to the development and construction of China's diverse gender fields, and promote and realize social equality, diversity, harmony and inclusiveness .

Specific implementation strategies include but are not limited to:

  • Community popularization
  • Case consultation and assistance
  • Industry cooperation and professional training
  • Research and knowledge production, etc.

This public welfare fund is the first in China from the legal level as the entry point , and has always implemented the "CPC Central Committee's Decision on Several Major Issues in Building a Socialist Harmonious Society", providing help for Chinese sexual minorities and popularizing the knowledge of sexual minorities among the general public. Public welfare fund .

On the basis of combining more market resources and social forces to enter the field of social services, we will make better use of the public welfare fund’s professionalism and initiative in solving social problems, and adhere to the principle of "sharing in co-construction and co-construction in sharing" Major principles, further consolidate social consensus, accumulate public welfare forces, and jointly build a socialist harmonious society.

The implementation and implementation of the public welfare fund will strive for the protection of related rights for sexual minorities from the legal level, advocate social equality, and promote public education.

In the longer term in the future, Zhengrong Charity Foundation will help the charity fund flourish in all aspects from multiple dimensions of funding, technology, platform, resources and content !