Get ready cause I'm dropping bloomer energy on you:

Capitalism is in shambles. It's weak, it's dying. The left is stronger then it has been for years.

Humans are hardwired to try and make their conditions better. It's one of the few traits we can actually be proud of. When there was rain humans built houses. When there was cold we utilised fire. When there was disease we taught ourselves how to cure. It is our duty as humans to try and make the world a better place. A place where people no longer have to suffer under the boot of greed.

A better world is not naive idealism, it's the only good thing humans have reliably worked towards and achieved their entire existence. To settle for capitalism with it's overworked, homeless, sick and unsustainable environment would be a betrayal of what makes us human.

Join a union join a union join a union :iww: :cat-com:

WE CAN DO THIS :floppy-parrot: :floppy-parrot: :floppy-parrot: