Meant "r/VCJ", but fuck it.

  • vorenza [any]
    3 years ago

    If you feel bad then maybe do some research, it’s the perfect time for self reflection and self discovery.

    It doesn't make me do any of those, it just makes me feel like you're a dickhead. The 9 months where i was a vegetarian before my doctor forced me off it, it started because my vegan friends were "Yeah it's not as easy as an omni diet, but it's doable, look at what we cook it's not that hard" and not calling me a bloodmouth or whatever.

    No vegans should be apologetic and walk around egg shells for being right.

    No one is saying that. Excluding a small number of users, most people's reaction was "Could you stop being massive dicks to people?"

    you’re not exempt from being made fun of.

    You know how when you're jokingly insulting each other between friends and it's all good, but somebody forgets to put a lid on it and it sometimes leads to a fight? So, yeah.