Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • MisssDarylC@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Imagine, you're sitting on the couch watching the block, desperately pinning the pleats into the skirt you made too big and you go to fart, only to straight up shart. This is me currently.

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Kids got gastro. Has had it all weekend. We thought he was better, but I just ended up covered in puke so me thinks not better.

  • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    So I'm going to get tested for coeliac disease. If it turns out I do have it, it's gonna be a little tricky to navigate at first, but I'm happy to give up pasta and bread if it means I have a better quality of life.

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    11 months ago

    I just dropped a full carton of eggs. Fortunately they stayed in the carton so the mess is not too bad, but dinner tonight is now confirmed as quiche.

    • Nath@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      Reminds me of an old joke:

      "I would like a quickie"
      "President Clinton, it's pronounced 'Quiche'".

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Typed out something too personal and doxable and don’t want to get into it so I’m just gonna say society is fucked and I am suffering.

    Life just shouldn’t be like this.

  • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    gah this is so hard, i think i need to see a psych. i'm international (no medicare). any idea where to start? how much do they cost? does insurance cover it? probably will need to talk to my gp & insurance provider?

    • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      Chat to your GP first, they should have a list of recommendations for psychs they can give you, or generate a referral.

      Typically, it can be between $150 - $400 depending on the clinic/psych. Medicare wouldn't help much; mine is $275 and I get $80 back 😓

        • just_kitten@aussie.zone
          11 months ago

          Do you mean a psychiatrist or psychologist? Either way you'd need a GP referral and definitely check the item numbers and coverage before you start making appointments. With psychology, ound out the hard way that the 10 subsidised psychology sessions on the mental health care plan are available for OSHC but not mid tier OVHC with Bupa. Don't get caught out!

          As for psychiatrists, never used them on OSHC/OVHC, but regardless, check with your GP which MBS item number they'd be referring you under as there are separate MBS fees/corresponding rebate amounts (which OSHC/OVHC often peg their rebates too to) for different item numbers that seem to provide very similar services. Specifically there's a "291 assessment" that is often used for one off initial diagnosis that can get very expensive but is sometimes the only way to get seen by very good psychs apparently

          Get the item number(s) and check with you insurance which ones they cover and how much. Either way it won't be cheap, good luck and Godspeed

          • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
            11 months ago

            Thanks friend. I think psychologist. Not exactly sure the difference between the two but I'm assuming psychiatrist prescribes meds? Don't think I need meds, just someone to listen to my shit. Super helpful tips as well. Sucks that Bupa doesn't cover it cuz I'm on the mid tier one with them (ovhc as well).

            How much did it set you back if you don't mind me asking? Also did you see a psychologist or a psychiatrist? Either way, if it's 250 per then I'm probably not gonna be seeing one 💁‍♂️

            • just_kitten@aussie.zone
              11 months ago

              Yeah, psychiatrist is for meds, psychologist better for general listening. Check with Bupa anyway, I was last with them mid 2021 and they might have changed their policies by now.

              250 per before rebates is not unusual but still on the higher side and generally for when you need a really good psych or somewhat more specialised support. I have seen psychs for 180/hr or so before rebate (again, that was a couple years ago), they can still be pretty good if you just need to start off and get things off your chest.

              Alternatively look into counselors, they are not medicare or private health claimable but can also be very good at that initial level when you need to talk through stuff and need a third party sounding board. Psychologists at the higher end are not always good for that and some may even recommend you try elsewhere.

              I have seen both this year, spent an absolute fortune on psychologists because of a LOT that I won't go into. Easily over 1.5k out of pocket through the MHCP 10 sessions + allied heath 5 sessions and probably 3.5k more fully out of pocket for further sessions. It was a big financial hit, but I really needed it.

              the silver lining for me is because I'm now on medicare, eventually I got a lot more rebated off medicare for the rest of the year, sadly no for psychology (because I'd used up all the sessions), but massively for psychiatry ($400+ session down to $50 out of pocket, $96 gp visit down to $12 out of pocket). Next year I hope I won't need nearly as many services now that a lot of things have been resolved

              edit: edited to add, GOOD LUCK FRIEND I really hope you can still push on and find someone you can open up to, even starting with counselling can be better than nothing, don't let it build up to the point that you end up paying much more in other ways, especially when you're here as a migrant and it can feel so isolating and that you've got nobody to fall back on. I believe in you!

              • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
                11 months ago


                Thank you JK you're too nice. Thank you heaps again for all this info this is VERY helpful!! Congrats on the PR / citizenship, hopefully I can get there one day. Your last point hits home harddd. I literally have no one here (well maybe except a cousin but we're not close) and I've had the hardest time making friends (which is one of the reasons I want to see a psych i.e. loneliness). I'll spare you the rant but thank you again!! ❤️

                • just_kitten@aussie.zone
                  11 months ago

                  Hang in there bro I know the feeling, you'll get there too one day - look after yourself so you'll come out healthy on the other side, loneliness sucks!!!

        • Cendana@lemm.ee
          11 months ago

          I got a quote for $750 with a $350ish rebate. One off session too which I think is nowhere near enough.

  • Taleya@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    decided to try and write my daily affirmations out in a decorative circular pattern to have fun with it, maybe change the ink colours up

    ...and now I look like a crazy person.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Not me posting recipes like my stomach isn't wrecked and I haven't become intolerant to everything. And posting frugal tips like I didn't miss a big energy discount and am not still being charged for a non-working service I haven't got around to sorting out yet. 💸

    But you know. It's better than doomscrolling, and if it helps someone else...