
  • Imperius , half orc orc redemption paladin ( also me who not entirely undersdand the game )
  • Minotaure barbarian
  • Harengon druid 4 story timeline Timeline 1

-we have be attacking by 4 goblin in an embush. The minonaure instant kill 2 goblin when me kill one shot 1 goblin and make the last one surrender.

-The druid during the figth was KnockOut accidentely by the horse .

-I heal the druid when the goblin was tie in a tree by the minotaure and we plan to save 2 soldier who hire us for an escort mission .

-So i interogated the goblin where he tell us the position of is base and the soldier .

-So i use my persuation to try to befriend the goblin to raid is own base ( best worst noob mistake of my live ).

So he guide us to the cave and avoid hidden trap make by is ally.

-Face to the cave where is base take place we try to make a plan to make the raid .

-Maga ( the capture goblin ) say to us he can enter the cave and ask to is leader we are his <>.

-And i came whit a "better" idea wich we use one of us as a false ostage by maga to enter the cave and try to save the soldier and exit whitout violence.

-well i ask to be the "hostage" but the harengon druid say im too massive to trick them and the minautor also but the fact she is a harengon can trick better .

-So we tie soflty the druid and let maga escort the ostage to cave.

-In the path maga walk in the cave and gets wrong the path , change is direction to the leader .

-Maga speak in Goblin whit the leader and 2 other goblin take the harengon wich maga stare the druid to in final make is hand hight and wave it whit a devilish face.

-Now the druid enter in a cell which a goblin say << wow whats a chance i got 2 toys in a days for a torture>>

-Druid: well F**k

Timeline 2

-The minotaure decide for the infiltration explore the area to see somethin to help us for an plan B.

-The minotaure descover a camps which the DM says to roll stealth ...

-he roll and somehow no respond and the minotaure see a burning fire whit a card game and leave to the entrance of the cave .

-The minotaure gets embush and instant K.O by 3 goblin who 2 of them roll nat 20 and deal max damage and the minotaure gets inconscious.

Timeline 3

-i was hidden behind the tree and the context was i waiting for 20 or 30 minute so i bacame to be worry . In the moment i see 3 goblin push a big minotaure and i was <>.

-So the DM ask me whats i do .

-i check my ability and inventory i try to suprise attack whit a javelin.

-I roll and i hit in maximun range the goblin which seem to be the strongest in the left shoulder . the battle starts when i gets the last initiative.

-2 goblin charge to me but the river slow them so they cannot reach me .

-At my turn i throw another javelin to one goblin and killing him. the E.goblin pick the javelin stabing in is shoulder and throw at me but miss.

-The goblin who run at me attack and succed to deal like 5 damage to my half orc.

-I disengage the battle to throw another javelin , hit but dont kill the gobelin.

-The E.goblin try to outmanoevre me and walk to the closest forest at my direction .

-The N.goblin charge me and still hit me but i was still standing. my turn i decide to swing whit my morning start to the head of the N.goblin and is jaw split and gets kill.

-The E.goblin see he was in inferioty was rushing to cave .

-I was like 60 feets at him but i got the javelin so i say i wil run for 30 feets to gets the throw even stronger.

-The DM say cool idea and i gets a advantge for in the final screw my roll dice and miss the E.goblin.

-I decide to enter the cave in a defensive pose and hear barking. so i stand in my position and a wolf came to attack me. I try to intimidate the wolf whit a death stare but fails at ( least not nat 1 ).

-The wolf attack me and miss so to my turn i strike direct on the head of the wolf ( i hate myself to hurt this puppy event it was my ennemy ).

-I got 2 direction and i go where the wolf was coming to the dowsnstair and i see the E.goblin try to realease 3 other wolf . one was realese to get kill :(.

-And i rush and push the E.goblin to the remaining wolf but the wolf was tamed so the E.goblin take is samitar and hits the first chain and broke and also the second .

-The 2 wolf attack me both wolf miss me.

The E.goblin attack me and put me to zero HP while 4 other goblin enter the room.

-So i check my ability and i read thats <> make when i got Zero HP i can get 1 HP so i use it .

-When i use it i decide to use a intimation check were i succeed to fears the 2 wolve and the 4 N.goblin but not the E.goblin.

-The wolve and the N.goblin flee.

-The battle came to the one who strike first the enemy in brawling duel between me and the E.goblin untils i miss my last attack and the disarm E.goblin succeffuly land an last blow to my face and i gets unconscious but see somoene behind the E.goblin.

Timeline 4

-The druid was in the cell of the soldier we try to rescue and injure .

-So the druid heal 10 Hp to the soldier and try a escape plan. unlock the cell and hide down of the table and succed the roll stealth .

-The T.Goblin came in the room and ask brutaly to the soldier where's the druid go and the druid whit a big rock strike whit strenght to the head of the T.goblin and takedown him.

-They make stealht roll whit a torche in the cave for get some vision and see 4 goblin and 2 wolve flee whit terror.

-Came to this specefic rooms the druid see me gets the final punch to my face.

-The E.Goblin look at me whit terror and few second... after laugth at me whit is bif satisfaction.

-The druid take a pebble and infuse the pebble whit magic and roll a nat 20 and throw and explode the head of the E.goblin hit a big 3 damage.

-The soldier pick me up and to the exit to also pick the minotaure and escape thats cave and every party member survivre.

-This is like my firts DND game and to be honest im myself not sure if the 1 hours gameplay battle was trick for my first playtrouhgt by my DM but he admit to put ourself was a dump idea and its like to put us in a sivler plate but was a really fun game even i lost thats fight.

-So i learn a moral in this game . -Even when you do the dumbest plan but somehow you win whit <> is still a <> plan.