• SonKyousanJoui [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Liberal democracies in general have been weighed and found wanting during this pandemic. Why is there basically no discussion about vaccine patents, for example. Then they look at China exporting vaccines and say "that's just a sinister power play!"

    It's disappointing, if not unexpected, that Europe would handle this crisis poorly. It doesn't bode well for dealing with climate change, which requires even greater effort and contradicting bourgeois interests.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Vaccine policy have shown how racist libs really are. They sneer at Russian and Chinese vaccines, offended at the thought of someone outside the US empire and it's satellites being able to develop a safe and effective vaccine.

    • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      My Eyes have been open towards the extent on which our media is controlled ,.... you have to murder your pride to withness the control , because your pride will tell you "I could not have been fool this hard" , but you have been , we all have been..

      There is no Patent discussion ! Its the Single Question of our Time ...... But Uighur stuff endless uigur stuff (weaponized Genocide Accusations ) but then on Tigray ......... Silence ..... Yemen ........ Silence .....Nagorno Karabach .............Vaccine Patens ...... Endless Silence ............, its Brutal . And your own helplessness in front of this wall of Silence ..


  • save_vs_death [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I call bunk on this article.

    There has been no public announcement of any vaccine exports from the UK, and no evidence that any have taken place. Yes, there is no official ban, but the UK government has roped the producing companies into contractual obligations that amount to a ban. This is the most dumb "well actually" crap. No vaccine can come out of the UK and there's no proof any did. As for the flip side, EU to UK, we do have numbers. More than 10 million vaccines have gone to the UK.

    Yes, the EU is an ineffectual liberal zombie, but not because it's "too open" or because they didn't let every country go on their own, lmao. The article doesn't even make sense in that regard. OK, so the EU should have not have a joint strategy because now Germany has more benefits than the other countries. What do you think would happen if everyone did it on their own, while most of the vaccine is manufactured in Germany?

    Then the article goes into weird tangents about the Irish border, and how the EU is imposing a hard border there? What is this guy smoking, does he live outside the UK? Isn't he aware what UK politicians are doing every bloody day to undermine the Good Friday agreement? Interestingly enough, the EU did get called out for saying what they said and then apologized the next day. This would not have mattered if in the above point, where the EU said that the UK has a vaccine ban (which they do) the guy pointed out that the EU did not apologize when corrected.

    All of this from the guy that thinks that Brexit is a great thing despite daily proof to the contrary.

    The EU did poorly because it's run by neoliberal ghouls that could not bring themselves to impose export restrictions on the vaccine cause that would cost Pfizer their profits. Conversely the UK did well because the tories don't believe in anything and none of their big donors depend on pharma crap (and even if they were, they would get huge gov kickbacks) so they just limited exports.