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    • medium_adult_son [he/him]
      3 years ago

      And a good guy CIA officer helps save the day! Just like in real life. O wait.

      One should not forget the CIA’s clandestine role in Africa either:

      It is linked with Patrice Lumumba’s assassination in Congo. A survey of declassified US government documents notes that the CIA “initially focussed on removing Lumumba, not only through assassination if necessary but also with an array of non-lethal undertakings.”

      The CIA is suspected to have overthrown Ghana’s first President Kwame Nkrumah in a military coup in 1966 while he was out of the country. Nkrumah wrote a book outlining his suspicions in a 1978 book, where a former CIA intelligence officer supported this theory.

      It is alleged that the CIA overthrew Chad’s president in 1982, replacing him with the brutal Hissene Habre.

      The CIA also tipped off the South African apartheid regime of Nelson Mandela’s location in 1962, leading to his imprisonment for nearly three decades.

      Taken from Medium, but there's probably a better, more comprehensive article about this.