I feel like this could happen in two ways:

  1. People who have had early vaccines are allowed to do things in their own country that others are not
  2. People from COUNTRIES that haven't had a wide vaccine rollout are going to be discriminated against on the global stage (Oh you're from X country you can't come in)

(I also think we're already seeing "vaccination geopolitics" starting but that's another topic)

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    1 is already kinda tacitly happening, but it's going to get much worse as we shift from Pandemic to an Endemic where we're all reliant on the Big Pharma to provide us with booster shots; It seems unlikely that our government (in the US at least) will foot the bill for vaccines long term, leading towards a society that ensures a steady stream of variants thanks to anti-vaxxers and front line, unvaccinated workers with shitty (or nonexistent) health care.

    This scenario is terrifying to me as we read more about long term complications like neurological and pulmonary issues.