If you've ever heard of Ikaria before, it is likely to be in relation to the "Mediterranean Diet." Ikaria is known for having people live very long lives, usually into their 90s or 100s. Many place the cause on this solely on the diet of primarily fish, red wine, and olive oil, but a huge thing goes unsaid in all these sensational articles.

This island has heavy communist influences. The Greek Communist party had been organizing on the island as early as the 1920s. During Greek Civil War and the occupation by Germans and Italians, Ikarians were abandoned so thoroughly that there was hardly any choice but for everyone to rely on each other as much as they could. Then after the Greek Civil War, the Greek government exiled around 13,000 communists to Ikaria. Many point to the more than communist exiles being the cause of why the island is so left, but history shows communism/leftism was already very popular before then -- given just how active KKE was in the tiny island. The exiles did help spread the agenda though as they were essential in building up Ikaria's infrastructure though building roads, digging wells, building houses.

That history is still around. The KKE party won 40% of the votes of Ikaria in 2012. Syriza -- left but not as left by far as KKE -- polled second best at around 30%. That's 70%+ of votes being for leftism that primarily are votes for a Maoist party. 4 members of the far-left urban guerrilla organization, 17 November, were from Ikaria. There is still a heavy influence of communal living. People eat off the land, grow their food, share with each other. Life is relaxing there. People are rather poor (there's not a lot of electronics, Internet, cars tend to be old, most of my family had no electricity for a long time) but they are healthy and happy. Also you'd be surprised by just how much Communist graffiti is seen everywhere .

So, as if we needed more proof, but there it is. What enables someone to live to be 90? Community. Fresh food. Being against capitalism. If you ever come across someone touting the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, make sure to tell them that all those people living to be 90 are voting for Maoism. Don't let the diet industry commodify what these people eat without admitting the other variable: a healthy diet of communism.

Also for anyone who wants to constantly say shit about religion in leftism: "It is funny though, Ikarians are also very devout Orthodox Christians. Nowhere else have I seen communism and religion going so much hand in hand, but then again, Ikaria is not just any place."