All because I said I’m retiring in Cuba because healthcare

    • karl [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Socialism is just slavery. With capitalism the 1% is in the hands of private citizens. With socialism the 1% in the government. We do not live in a capitalist society. We live in a corporate society that is using pseudo intellectual social justice theories to turn our country into corporate socialism. Socialism doesn’t work. I’ve lived in Norway and Sweden and they are capitalist country. Also very small populations with great wealth. Like Darwin’s theory was used by the nazis,Marxism and socialism put the power of societies economy in the hands of the powerful and that power is never shared. The gap between haves and have not is enormous.There are no Elon’s in socialism or communism. Socialism is a beautiful idea and a terrible reality. I’ve lived in Norway,and Sweden and they are not socialist,they are capitalist countries that have some socialist programs. They also have very small and spread out populations. Their government operates on 400 million a year. Also racism is very much alive there. The healthcare system is mediocre,and heroin and drug abuse is destroying the social welfare that they have developed. They produce nothing,and they make nothing accept oil.Socialism and communism can not implement democratic programs. Cuba? You’re outa your god damn mind. Castro killed at will and impoverished his entire country. I can not understand how a person who I’d guarantee has never left the country outside of Canada could be dumb enough to believe the same philosophy that Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini believed in is a better way. 100 nations would starve in a matter months if America didn’t support them. How do we do that? Capitalism. Well it was,now we borrow so much money we can never pay it back for useless programs that pay no dividends and do not pull anyone out of poverty.Capitalism has brought the entire would to a better place. China is a socialistic country that uses capitalism. That’s what you want? Move there. Go have a taste of what it means to be cared for by your government. Go say some shit about their government. Or you could shut the fuck up. You fucking cnn msnbc chud bucket.