• Zerush@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    In my mobile I use only games from F-Droid (puzzles, boardgames) for in between. My wife use Eternium, a free single player RPG old school (Optional cosmetic buys in the game menu, no Pay2Win), very nice on Mobile (Gesture driven) and PC (Mouse, keyboard), infinite gameplay. In the stores and in Steam

  • caret@lemmy.zip
    11 months ago

    I'm addicted to NIKKE Goddess of Victory and Blue Archive

    They keep me sane during work I guess...

    But they also make me want to spend money on cute moving PNGs


  • limeaide@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I really respect mobile gaming. There are a lot of good and entertaining games.

    They are really accessible to most of the population even in third world countries, and the communities are generally really nice. I've found them to be nicer than PC gaming communities at least.

    It's really really incredible how good people can get at certain games and I like how a lot of their communities are run on mobile. A lot of the mobile gaming youtubers even edit their videos on mobile.

    Games like COD Mobile and all of the SuperCell games are examples with great communities and games that don't have any ads. Sure they still be toxic, but it doesn't compare to communities like Overwatch.

    There are also a lot of beautiful games out there. Mobile gaming is a now niche gaming space where the game has to actually be fun or else it won't grow all that much.

    They can't just buy their way into being popular through the name of the IP or through beautiful graphics. The mentality of Art Style over Graphic Fidelity is still alive on mobile. Look at games like Monument Valley, Kensho, Pirate Outlaws, Rusty Lake, Pocket City, Mini Metro, etc. and you'll see what I mean.

    It's also a great platform for indie games with low spec requirements.

  • Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    It feels like they're literally only there as a front for micro transactions, so I don't bother. I did try a few of the Netflix games since those are ad free, but still... Nothing seems to hold my interest.

  • 0ops@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    I didn't have a console or PC growing up, so the only games I played were flash games on school computers. When I got a smart phone I mostly switched to mobile games. So I like mobile games. Not all of them, there's a lot of garbage out there. But there's some good ones. It's a great platform for indie games and I love it when a game actually takes advantage of the touchscreen as an input, rather than simply trying to emulate a controller. I especially love the multiplayer games. It was so awesome in highschool whenever we had a break, we'd just look at each and break out whatever the hottest game was locally and play a round.

    I have a Steam deck now and I'm more busy, so don't play mobile games as often as I used to, but there's a few that still play pretty often: Pubg mobile, Bombsquad, True surf, Shredsauce. Pubg mobile in particular I don't think gets enough credit for how well they pulled off mobile controls. Insanely customizable, and with gyro turned on, I would rather play an fps on a phone then with a gamepad anyday. Even with the steam deck, the extra weight makes quick, precise movements with the gyro more clumsy than on my phone.