A friend of mine is compiling a list of Islamophobic dog-whistles that the company she works for needs to keep an eye out for on their socials. I said I would throw the net out and see what I can find out.

A bit of a weird request I know, but I would like to think it will do some good.

  • jaeme
    11 months ago
    1. "They need to learn our culture and politics. Leave your old culture back home."
    2. "Take off your hijab, you live in a free country."
    3. "(insert vague statement about how Islam hates queer ppl and women)"
    4. "I think immigration should be pulled back, we need to have better immigration security."
    5. "Educational centers for Muslim refugees so that they can adapt to our country better." (similar to 1)
    • edge [he/him]
      11 months ago
      1. "(insert vague statement about how Islam hates queer ppl and women)"

      "Don't you know Palestinians hate gay people like you? Why are you opposing their genocide?"

      I've gotten this kind of comment multiple times on Twitter.