At 6:26:

You're going to see similar elements that we have been seeing let's say with Ukraine okay. Xinjiang is going to be the next Taiwan [...] It's gonna come to the point where we are gonna have someone similar to Richard Gere start giving speeches during Oscar acceptance and talk about how these, you know like they do with the monks there in Tibet. It would be how these people are being abused and oppressed and they need to have their own land and it needs to be carved out. And as we talked about before, the United States have already brought one of these figures from [the] Xinjiang area into the United States, he lives in McClain, into the State Department and they had a meeting where they declared him the president of East Turkestan in absentia so as far as Gladio US is concerned, they even have a president for Xinjiang. How could you have a president for a country/nation that doesn't exist? There's no sovereignty, it's part of mainland China, meaning that is the objective. We want another Taiwan. We want to gradually, by playing, you know how here internally we play the gender and the race card, well for that part of the world to play the minority without land. We're gonna help them, they're being oppressed, the Chinese are gunning them down and torturing them so let's take out this, we put the military base there and we also have the sympathy of the world. Now I'm not saying Chinese are not abusing their powers with the Uyghurs [...] I'm not at all challenging that notion but as Western nations, United States, Gladio, we never cared about people suffering (lol) that's not within our interest area unless it can be utilized, capitalized upon to get our objective meaning have that area declared [autonomous]. We already have a president in place and make sure that China energy-wise is not going to have an easy time to sustain a six seven billion population and ginormous economy.