Because I have. My grandmother said this to me weeks ago, through vocal messages on whatsapp thankfully. I am still shaken by it to be honest because she pretends to be cool but there is the very heavy implication that I will be rejected if I "choose" to be gay.

I know that there are worse things, so many of you have to face terrible abuse, rejection and even violence so I feel a bit ridiculous being so hurt by something like that... But truth is, I am hurt and it confirms my fears that if I had come out the other way around, since I figured I was bisexual before realising I was trans, she and the rest of the family who are believers as well would have rejected me immediately. Those are people who raised me when my parents had to leave without me for years abroad. It was predictable really, they are jeovah's witnesses after all, I just prefered not having the confirnation of their bigotry.

I think the worse about it is that I did not chose to come out to her, my mom told her without asking me first, she then basically made it about herself and did not consider what it would do to me. It apparently came up in a conversation...

:trans-sad: rant over, I had to get it off my chest