More posturing, or are Kyiv and NATO really planning to attack Russia?

  • ATankieSkunk [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I just can't see NATO attacking Russia over Crimea. They didn't step in in 2014 and they won't now. I would go as far as to say that if this Russian buildup along the border pushes into Ukraine while these games are going on NATO forces are going to say "lol bye" and head for Romania or Poland.

    • DecayingAmerica [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      In case you are unaware, it's the ukrainian regime the one pushing for war (openly if you bothered to read primary sources), since they have a very deep crisis domestically. Don't spread the propaganda of western media.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hope posturing as these exercises usually are. Or I’ll get bathed in nuclear fire, one of the two

    • DecayingAmerica [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      nato murdered Chinese diplomats while bombing Yugoslavia. Literally bombed an embassy ON PURPOSE.

      The fuck are you talking about? the only thing stopping far-right nato from openly starting a war is the fact that both China and Russia would smash them.

    3 years ago

    this is a response to a russian buildup and mobilisation of forces; if anyone initiates fighting here it probably won’t be NATO. but i don’t think Russia is desperate enough to pick a hot fight here. this is a game of chicken to test Biden’s resolve

    • DecayingAmerica [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      It always amazes me how deeply ignorant people in anglo-"leftist" communities are. You are literally falling for nato disinfo. It is the far-right regime in ukraine the one calling for war and nato the one claiming to they will support them.

      Do you think Russia will let these fascists take over? not in a million years.

      Why are you like this? why is reading so hard?

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    3 years ago

    More posturing, with the key part being "the new strategy does not explicitly state that the enemy should violate the state border. The army and special forces will be involved if "an armed conflict within the territory of Ukraine either starts as a result of a provocation or receives support from the outside."

    If this is true, it would shift the casus belli from "Russia invades more territory in the Ukraine" to "Russia funds / arms / otherwise supports a separatist movement within the Ukraine itself."