His stream was literally unwatchable with that screaming lib dude who got worked up that the democrats didn't run a good candidate lol. Like yeah, tf did you expect?
His stream was literally unwatchable with that screaming lib dude who got worked up that the democrats didn't run a good candidate lol. Like yeah, tf did you expect?
Lib january 6th when?
When the only peer who was seeding to you disconnects
Checked it through virustotal, all clean. URL was kinda fishy since it was i.imgur instead of just imgur, but guess it's just a redirect.
Clicked it and holy mother of fucking schizo
I mean, I presume it's not harmful to my machine, it's just that I always ask to check if there's something idk.
Always good to stay paranoid considering 0 clicks exist
Can an imgur image be malicious lol? Cuz some account bloodly_unicorn2 did that and now I'm not sure I wanna find out what it is.
Probably the most popular game ever here in the Balkans. It's a thing where we were so little here and obviously didn't know a lick of English, we would just type in cheats and blow shit up. It's so culturally relevant, there are still Balkan multiplayer servers even to this day.
I really don't get where you're going with this whole argument. All of those guys either worked working class jobs and/or literally became legendary revolutionary leaders. Even Engels wrote works that are still being analysed to this day. Hasan isn't even on track to do any of that, let alone close to actually becoming it. I'd be glad to eat my own words and be wrong about him, with him in a 100 years being looked as some important figure of american socialism lol. You certainly can't compare the kind of money today's doctors or lawyers have in general vs. someone like Hasan, who just off his twitch contract has millions. Not to mention that his platform is a lot bigger than any of those guys had early on.
And in terms of two of Castro rolex watches, a guy in the same thread you linked points out that that watch was much cheaper back then, about 2k in todays money. Not little, but certainly not a whole lot either. Also, apparently these watches were some of the most accurate of their time, explaining why he has two and one of them is set to Moscow time. Not to mention he was literally a state official of a socialist country. Literally an excerpt from wikipedia
Caring little for money or material goods, Castro failed to pay his bills; his furniture was repossessed and electricity cut off, distressing his wife.
he doesn't enforce IP law on fan channels clipping and shipping his content
I mean, all his content is literally reacting to videos and news lmao. It would be pretty hypocritical if he did, since he doesn't exactly abide by it most of the time anyway lol.
It's funny, because I'm honestly not arguing that he's some kind of grifter. I like him, I just feel like he still has certain issues that don't hurt to be pointed out. It just feels like he's not actually doing anything to differentiate him from any other progressive lib. I mean, fucking ludwig sold his company to his workers to become a coop, which doesn't make him some revolutionary. I'd say someone like the guys from boy boy are doing much better in terms of covering various aspects of capitalism and bringing attention to exploitation some of us didn't even was happening. Even fucking JT from Second Thought had homeland security knock on his door.
Except I'm not arguing for Hasan running in an election or electoralism in general. I'm just giving an example of politicians who, realistically, weren't anything special in a kind of "societal prestige" way before they were elected. Hasan, just because he is a twitch streamer, should not automatically be discredited from doing something actually serious. Trying to participate in elections or organizing.
And that's great and all, but someone donating isn't exactly the end all be all of things a person can do. Bill gates donates a lot to certain health organizations in Africa, yet I don't think he is exactly much concerned about them really succeeding in doing anything substantial. Sure, it's a pretty big difference between the two of them, but still.
Well, first of all, I can't be Fred Hampton because I'm just a poor, rural, Eastern European mf who is basically scraping by. Not to even mention the myriad of social and physical health problems, along with the crux of it all being social anxiety and chronic loneliness. Also, I could be living in a socialist state today if not for american interference. And whilst interference in the first conflict we had could even be debated, the second one where they bombed the shit out of us, definitely can't.
But for the sake of the conversation, lets assume I'm just the average american joe. Even if I was one, lived in the united states and all, I would still expect Hasan to have a much better chance of doing anything revolutionary than me, because he has a platform, money and ultimately that kind of soft power. Like, however ridiculous you find it to be, shit like coca cola and mickey mouse definitely can be used to project american "ideals" and "values". You will see a coca cola ad, think it's fucking idiotic, yet it will stay drilled in your subconsciousness. Then when you go to buy some soda or something, you will buy coca cola, not because they're good, but because they're a "trusted brand". You won't say this, but you will subconsciously think it.
Why denigrate stuff like twitch streaming? Hasan isn't exactly the most ridiculous thing that could ever happen, considering the fact that the 45th president of the us was a celebrity tv star, and his current opponent ran her early campaign on a meme based off of a successful album of some british pop singer. Not to mention stuff like Zelensky, ironically, playing the fucking president of ukraine in a tv show before actually being elected president lmao. Hasan would honestly be the least surprising thing as of late. I don't necessarily expect him to be that, I just feel like given his platform and kind of inherent influence, which neither you nor I possess and might never possess, he just could be doing a lot more for the cause.
This also kinda correlates to another thing I commented, which is this kind of mythologizing around politicians, like they're some 200 IQ people that are receiving this 1 in a 1000000 education of how to rule a country. I think if given the choice in an election between genocide joe and Hasan, not even correlating to their views, I would rather have Hasan. It takes some skill to be constantly entertaining for multiple hours at a day to tens of thousands of people, certainly more than just twiddling your fucking thumbs in the senate or wherever, raising your hand only when it's time to be racist, sexist, homophobic etc. In my country, we call these people "career politicians", and considering some of the fucking people that have power in it, I would seriously fucking love to have Hasan take their place lmao.
Da, definitivno. Mislim, više dumerišem jer nemamo nekog sposobnog državnika u jednom potencijalno ključnom vremenu gde naše odluke bi mogle da nas prate narednih 10, 50, pa čak i 100 godina. Umesto toga imaš žvalavu debilčinu koji bi radije da proglašava Topalka i Severinu za državne neprijatelje, dok drka na svoju sliku u ogledalu. Nekako živeći u ovoj državi, naučen si da očekuješ najgore, i kad misliš da si na dnu onu nađu način da te još pokopaju. Samo se plašim eto, po toj filozofiji, da mi ne najebemo najviše u potencijalnom prepucanjavu zapada i istoka, baš zbog njegovog prosto genijalnog političkog instinkta
E pristao je isto. Samo moramo da se dogovorimo. Planiramo za vikend sad dva dana AMA da traje.
Super, jedva čekam!
Exactly this. I too wonder how the thinkers we often cite would react to modern material conditions. Probably would make an addendum or two about the attention economy, maybe even a whole book.
I'm glad this comment appeared because he did do more than I anticipated.
Still, the criticism stands. He does indeed engage pretty proudly with consumer capitalism, and not exactly in the sense that he treats himself every so often. It's not technically, precisely defined as something wrong by theory, but it is a bad look. I mostly agree with him on a lot of stuff, but I do still believe his lifestyle does diminish his (and our) message.
And maybe it's unfair to him, but when I look at some history of american leftism, I see a guy like Fred Hampton and the Black Panther Party. Like, I don't believe they exactly had millions of dollars like Hasan does, yet they managed to do for leftism in america than any other person or group of people. Maybe it's just the american feds and whatnot, but I don't see a reason why people can't at least try to organize in a similar manner. Like idk, sure he does his little thing of giving people a platform and all the aforementioned things, yet I still feel like he could be doing more. Feel like it's more just a bit disappointing that nobody is really willing to give up their comforts of everyday life to actually do something.
The problem is that with his whole 2.5M house shit, is that whilst he technically didn't exploit anyone to ultimately get that money, he doesn't exactly seem to use it on anything relating to his principles either. He makes the money off criticizing western capitalism and imperialism, only to buy house and fashion which ultimately reinforces that same capitalism and imperialism. It isn't technically wrong, but it's just a bad look. Basically the same way that you would know, if you follow bball, how having the last possession in a game in which you beat your opponent handily and are still trying to score is bad and disrespectful thing. It's not against the rules, but it is something called an "unwritten" rule, and people will get mad that you didn't respect that.
Iako ne bi da te sputavam, moje pesimistično mišljenje je da ćemo mi slabo moći išta skoro da uradimo, kao što sam rekao drugu u drugom komentaru. Iskreno pitanje je da li ćemo kao država to uopšte moći da doživimo s obzirom na klimatske promene sa betonskim džunglama, Riot Tintom, odlivom mozgova, a i da ne pričam o svemoćnom i njegovim EXPO-om i ostalim sranjima.
Idalje, šta bude biće i to je to. Iskreno mislim da je moja partija ok barem gde smo za sada. Čak sam mislio možda da uradim AMA ovde sa jednim drugom koji je od Instagram shitposter-a posato sekretar u CG.
Obavezno, mislim da bi moderatori bili sasvim otvoreni za tako nešto.
Ne bih se složio, realno je malo ljudi sa našim pogledom na svet ostalo u državi. Što se tiče nekih pojedinačnih tema (antiimperializma, nekih elemenata socijalne države i sl.) složio bih se da imamo solidnu osnovu, ali je malo ljudi koji imaju sve u paketu.
Više sam mislio ovako online u odnosu na državu, ali da, naši ljudi više uopšte nisu ni blizu tome (moglo bi se reći da 99.9% nikad nije ni bilo). Realno koliko god podražavam druga u komentarima sa lokalnom organizacijom i to, neverujem da će se išta promeniti osim ako, ko što naša izreka kaže, "Amerika i Engleska budu zemlja proleterska". I ako izgube od strane Kine oko Tajvana, opet će biti dovoljno geopolitički jaki da nam se najebu matere. I ako se oslobodimo, to vrv neće biti za mog ili tvog života lol.
ne posećujem više zbog preglasnih reakcionara, pa ne bih komentarisao.
Definitivno su još uvek glasni, mada ja msm sada dosta manje nego ranije. Naravno, naš je još uvek bolji nego bilo koji zapadnjački. Pre sam nekad imao nalog, al sam ga pre godinu dana obrisao.
Hvala, relativno sam i ja nov ovde, lurkovao sam ovde dosta skoro pa reko ajde da napravim nalog. Al misli da ima nas još ovde nekoliko, samo sad nisu aktivni. Realno ima nas pozamašno s obzirom koliko su nas kradikali usrali ovako ideološki. A i na našem vidim dosta više jugoslovenski flaireova. I na jućubu imamo naravno Yugopnika i Balkan Odyssey (sećam se da sam sa ovim likom pričao još pre jedno 7-8 godina kad smo bili klinci u svojoj patriJotskoj fazi). Samo se nadam da ćemo skoro doći svi zajedno da jurimo pičkamena po ulicama ahahaha.
Take care of your mental health first and foremost. You'll probably need it much more for actual revolutionary action in the future. Even as an optimist who is willing to entertain the thought of converting liberals to our cause, these people are I'm afraid too far gone in their Putin/China derangement syndrome. The best antidote for posts shitting on hexbear, is to just come here, lurk on it for awhile, and make up their own minds. It certainly helped me when at first, I too as an anarchist was quite skeptical of this place and thought it was some exclusive hangout of dem dirty "tankies". But after lurking here for awhile, I realized this place was not only good, but much better than shit like .world and other instances. Not to mention being a history buff, and reevaluating my positions based on a lot of comments I saw here, realizing that although mistakes certainly were made among socialist movements throughout history (famines in ukraine, the four pests) ultimately these movements did a lot more good than bad throughout and ultimately caught up to the west, even though the aforementioned had a 100 year head start and exploited and pillaged half the world to get where they are now.
Where the fuck even is kamala at this point? Absolute radio silence for like a whole day lmao