777 [none/use name]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • soooo later today (I should really go to bed) I have a job interview for what I thought was a humble coffee company but I was doing my usual bored snooping/interview prep and apparently I am walking ass-backwards into a position in a “consumer tech” startup located squarely in the portfolio of a venture capital investment firm

    I thought I applied to a small local coffee chain. They really uh, buried the lede here. will be interesting to see how the interview call goes

  • just a shower thought:

    we're going to win in the end, in that justice will be served to the fuckers who deserve it. everywhere.

    there's a lot of really abstract notions of how on a long enough scale the arc of history bends towards justice - what the issue is, "justice" might just mean that the world fucking ended and everyone's dead (they can't harm you anymore).

    what we're trying to do now is to make sure we're all still around to see that justice be served.

    the current game is rigged; keep adjusting the way to win. 🎲

  • 777 [none/use name]tofitness*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    good job! this time last year i was going to the gym constantly then the pandemic beat my ass... getting in shape again has been a bit of a depressing task but at the same time i did it once before so fuck it i can get there again. we're all gonna make it

  • 777 [none/use name]tohistory*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    i came out to my liberal-leaning but very religious mom. i think i couched it in a lot of conditionals, maybe as a way to soften the stress of it all to myself ("i like girls and guys, buuuut i'm still spiritual/religious, practice safe sex etc., i'm bringing this up because i don't want to hide any part of me from you") but... it was fine? surprisingly painless? we talked for like 20 minutes.

    despite the "i still want kids!" fussing - it went well and i feel like our relationship is actually stronger than before. i'm really surprised and even a little emotional now! fuck. sending love and light to everyone here today, especially the people who did not have this very chill coming out ceremony and the people who still can't come out for whatever reason. this site i take long breaks from because sometimes you guys piss me off but ultimately i'm still here because i give a shit and we're all still here because we still give a shit. whatever. have a good weekend

  • this might sound like i'm dissing him but i actually have nothing but respect for zack snyder somehow managing to get $370 million dollars in funding and years of pop cultural clout simply because he makes action figures beat each other up in slow motion on screen. i am morbidly fascinated by modern "auteur" directors getting all this capital to realize their magnum opus, their total "gesamkunstwerk" on screen and it turns out to be mid. i watched Tenet twice not because i liked it (the stunts were cool) but because the second time around i was reading it as a monument to Jonathan Nolan's god complex

    at some point - mostly because i hate myself but also because i can't turn away - i will probably torrent this 4 hour movie and watch it on 2x speed or skip around just to witness it

    edit: almost 24 hours and no one pointed out i got the nolan bros mixed up but im gonna leave that error there because i think it makes this post funnier

  • 777 [none/use name]totechnology*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    it just sold for $590k worth of ETH

    one one hand: the fiat money art market is exactly as ridiculous as this

    on the other hand: something is up behind the scenes, right? half a million? are there that many crypto whales with money to burn on digital funkopops?

  • My lingering feeling that he sucks/is an op is growing

    to paraphrase someone else: "difficult for me to trust the motivations and perspectives of a person on a no-strings-attached lifetime residency at the most prominent media organization of the empire that they criticize"

    but i also, for the most part didn't read much of his last documentary as explicitly anticommunist (or at least hard for me to read it as a hit piece when all of his critiques of the persons at the top of the CCP are also interspersed with, at the same rate of screentime, a litany of US/UK/western imperial powers and the intelligence sector of the CIA/MI5/MI6/etc repeatedly and actively shitting up their own countries, the middle east, Africa and the global south everywhere they went) - the overarching message (not surprising from someone who despite their alignment with Mark Fisher's works probably aligns themselves more as a classical liberal/libertarian type) is less "communism bad" than "big govt elites fucked everything up everywhere and psychology bad", which you can make the argument is still a reactionary-coded take from certain perspectives, but i also don't think anyone here would argue that the sackler family deserves to be shot out of a cannon or oligarchic neoliberalism combined with an impotent drunk Yeltsin fucked up post-USSR Russia even if a guy working for the BBC also comes to the same conclusion.

    i think there is a deeper binary at work than "this guy is based"/"this guy sucks and is a op/fed actually" that this website would due well to embrace.

    but at the same time my critiques with the documentary funnily enough probably stem from the same energy OP has, just in a different way - so much of his work is very frictionless, contextless and for lack of a better word even "Amateurish" (mostly archival footage, narration/exposition only) filmmaking. By all technical standards, Adam Curtis is a godawful filmmaker and would probably barely pass the advanced editing course i had to take in college. And yet this man has basically unlimited access to the BBC archives, a music licensing budget that is probably bigger than most entire films, and is allowed to use an authoritative voice to bring "truth" to a kaleidoscopic narrative unburdened by actual evidence or context in-film other than "yeah you had to be there" or assuming the viewer already knows what's going on. There's a question of form in relationship to the institution at play here... sure, Ken Burns isn't exactly Godard either when it comes to film but never did I sit there watching any of his docs wondering why public funding allowed him to go crazy with windows movie maker. I don't think a black filmmaker or a woman filmmaker would get that sort of authoritative green light to do something like that. AC owes his viewers a deeper understanding of power both in front of the screen and behind it. He did this somewhat with Bitter Lake in pointing out how the media cynically takes contextless bits-and-pieces of documentation to create narratives, and yet you can argue Curtis' entire form is that.

    AC works are in this weird strait where i would maybe recommend Hypernormalization or this doc to a normie friend as "cliff notes" or building blocks to a deeper situation but also only in a situation when i can be around to help contextualize and work through the material. Of course, as communists, this is what we're already committed to doing when educating our peers... right? 👁👄👁

  • 777 [none/use name]tomovies*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    idk what martin scortelini had to say about mcu (even though the great deal of mcu/dc/etc cape media sucks) but he is definitely right that the switch to everything having to be "content" now has had an awful and negative impact on pop culture and also just art in general