AlicePraxis [any]

  • 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • AlicePraxis [any]tochatSlurs becoming normalized in 2024?
    19 days ago

    I wouldn't judge cultural trends by what's happening on X dot com, the cool people have either left or are spending significantly less time on the website formerly known as twitter, now that it's a project of the far-right. remember that people who donate to Musk literally get boosted by the algorithm

    if people are saying it more in real life, especially young people, then that's a problem. I don't know if that's the case or not because I don't spend any time around teenagers

  • AlicePraxis [any]tochapotraphouseHell world
    21 days ago

    it looks worse in the sense that it's an obvious photoshop where the subject was badly composited into the scene. AI might not have that same issue but would look worse in so many other ways like generating weird blobby nonsense

    AI also probably won't do a good job at making someone's exact face unless you train a model on lots pictures of the person which takes time, effort and knowledge of how AI works. it would actually be a lot more difficult to get a passable AI result than just slapping a picture of your stupid face on a background image

  • well, I think it's important to recognize that people are products of their environment, and we've all been indoctrinated into this media-obsessed culture from a very young age by predatory capitalists and marketing ghouls

    the social fabric of the west is practically non-existent. we're dealing with pretty extreme social atomization and lack of community, there are fewer and fewer IRL opportunities to have fun or socialize, and what little there is has become prohibitively expensive to the average person. this was all true before COVID, which made all these problems significantly worse

    so taking this all into account it's not hard to understand why so many spend the majority of their free time consuming media as an escape from the cruel, unjust banality of contemporary western society. so maybe cut 'em some slack, idk

    unless they watch reality TV. there's no excuse for that

  • AlicePraxis [any]tomoviesDune 2 is awesome holy shit
    22 days ago

    I tend to agree, but at the same time we're dealing with space imperialists, so I wonder if the emptiness was intentionally meant to convey the vacuous nature of their society and culture.

    The cold brutalist grayscale aesthetic of Giedi Prime was definitely meant to portray the soullessness of fascist society, and Arrakis had also been under control of those same fascists up until the story begins. Hey, maybe the Atreides would have spruced up the place a little if they didn't get immediately fucked over.

    What I really would have liked to see was more of Fremen culture. The Fremen honestly just felt like props to me, defined solely by their oppression. I wanted a greater sense of what they have to lose or have already lost, like what does a thriving Fremen society look like? But instead we just get kinda generic cave-dwelling sand people.

    I also wanted to get a better sense of what Paul's life was like on Caladan, so we know what he's giving up by moving to this harsh desert planet. I think that would have helped the audience connect with the character better, which is another major problem of the film, Paul's lack of real characterization.

  • I don't think someone needs to be the result of a loving relationship to matter or have value. None of us really needed to exist but we do so fuck it, let's try to make the most of it (I need to take my own advice here)

    As for caring about the future, I think we all should want a better reality for the children even if they aren't "our" children. Immediate family isn't necessarily the most important thing, we're all related. Personally it brings me comfort to think of all life in the universe as part of a connected consciousness, and it's worth fighting for.

  • AlicePraxis [any]tomoviesDune 2 is awesome holy shit
    23 days ago

    I didn't really like the film but I'm glad other people did, it's nice to enjoy things

    I did however enjoy the 2 seconds of the film where Anya Taylor Joy shows up, looks directly into the camera and says "I love you", wish I could have experienced that in IMAX

  • AlicePraxis [any]tochapotraphousebye bye youtube
    24 days ago

    under communism there will be no need for youtube ... as we'll just have communal television, communal cinemas, communal theaters and communal video stores instead

    the most valuable thing about YouTube is the amount of tutorials on there, and watching tutorials is generally a solitary activity