• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • Based on a cursory Google xenobiotic means something that doesn't occur naturally or is occurring in higher than natural amounts.

    So the "Xenobiotic Electromagnetism" is basically fucking everything in modern life and not at all what they think they're talking about. Basically anything occurring on the electromagnetic spectrum from x rays to visible light to radio waves.

    So Xenobiotic Electromagnetics would actually not include the stupid fucking "chemtrails" they think they're talking about, it would be flashlights, cell phones, wifi, x ray machines, drones equipped with lidar for the county atlas, communication radios from airplanes would be covered, gps, car headlights.... On and on and on.

    Fucking idiots.

  • Short answer: No, this guy is all the way up his own rear end.

    Longer answer:

    Author: "C is not 'close to hardware'"

    Also Author: "Successful one to one struct comparisons may require padding, which isn't automatically applied!!!!!"

    Like if you have an entire PhD on this stuff and you don't understand how and why you need to pad, when you need to do it, and how to calculate the proper amount of padding, maybe somebody should've stopped you before you showed your whole ass on the Internet like that.

    (Padding is applied to align chunks of data more closely to the size of memory writes possible in a given architecture, it is extremely system dependent and you use it in very specific circumstances that you, a beginner, do not need to understand right now other than to say that if the senior says thou shalt not fuck with my struct you better not)