BETO_Institute [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2020


  • my guy, i'm "enthusiastically" arguing the simple point that the PRC should be held to the same standard as the west.

    I'm getting cutting rebuttals in this thread: that islam is an existential threat (and thus the west and PRC are justified in their actions) (lol); that the PRC's invasive approach is paternal and for the Uighers' benefit -- to provide jobs (uh, an empty justification that could be leveraged by any "imperial power"); that Xianjing is properly within Chinese/PRC's hegemonic sphere (complete question-begging nonsense).

    feel free to give me better facts, showing that the PRC's alleged cruelties are fabrications (blobjim endeavored to so, respectfully), but please spare me your unearned, patronizing comments and these sorts of ludicrous, cringe-inducing arguments.

  • if you want to link me better facts (against the western narrative/propaganda), feel free, but i'm absolutely not sympathetic to this argument.

    Yet you appear to live in this fantasy where Islamic fundamentalism & zealotry are only conceivable threats to “Western society”…

    You think PRC deserves terrorist attacks, & that the global war on terror & gitmo & extrajudicial rendition by America are in this other category.

    in no way am i saying that, bud. clearly islamic fundamentalism is not a serious threat to the west, it's a sad pretext for western hegemony and incursion. the capitalist west shouldn't do it; nor should the PRC.