For example:
Misgendering from one mod to another mod, after the ban:
Just to be clear, are they exempted from the rules?
We are completely justified in this attitude.
And they keep proving us right.
+REgon, they made very good points around this.
Pretty much.
Mientras el Clona-Clona festeja la victoria de su ídolo, Trump no le va a dar ningún tipo de apoyo real. Ni material ni económico.
Lo mismo que viene pasando con Musk.
Some telegram channels are saying that the Mossad HQ was destroyed by the missiles.
Is there any confirmation?
Early access counts as pre-ordering?
If it does, then the only game I ever pre-ordered was BG 3 in 2020.
Lower price before launch + regional pricing was the catch.
Barely touched it before the release. And it was a good deal. It is a good game and the price skyrocketed in my region.
"Oktubre - Patricio Rey y los Redonditos de Ricota" (1986).
Also, this timeless gem:
"Ritmo y Sustancia - Mala Fama" (2000).
One before the end of the URSS, the other during one of the highest points of neoliberal policy in Argentina.
That F-16 was haunted.
Actually, Kautsky wasn't that bad
All I know about X-Files is from "cultural osmosis" and that classic Simpsons episode: