BigSucko [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2021


  • BigSucko [none/use name]tomainPSA
    4 years ago

    I've seen friend group drama over this. Someone's cat got extra chonky over quarantine and people were like "DAMN, mans needs a diet" . That did not go over well with a couple of people.

  • Your fears are well founded. Look at how actual communist nations are handling their meat production. China is currently ramping up their factory farming. When they are done industrializing China's meat production will be more than double the United States'. And yes, the unwashed masses will gladly exploit animals to make their own lives bearable. People will act selfishly in their goal to eradicate human suffering.

    I think for what you want your best bet is getting a group of friends, buying some worthless land in the American midwest and starting a vegan commune. Animal suffering can be limited there.

  • I feel like the overall sentiment of this post is "don't be a dick" which I agree with. But it also seems to be saying "I think racism is when two people of two different races argue with each other" which is strange to me. Deferring to black and indigenous people on every disagreement isn't a real solution when standing up for fringe ideals such as veganism or communism. Most POC aren't communists and many will be uncomfortable with the idea of communism.

    Keep in mind I think you're talking about that one thread where the Indigenous person thought veganism was racist erasure of their culture. Which is true, but its true about all cultures. Vegans do want to erase your food culture, because they find it immoral.

  • BigSucko [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Nah it doesnt just affect D list celebrities. I usually see locals trying to cancel other people in their area. I've met cliques that seem to pride themselves on harassing nobodies for minor offenses. If they don't like someone they will fish for any pretext to label them an abuser, doing gymnastics to stretch the meaning of that word to its absolute limits. The ones I met were crust punks, though I've been told its gotten bad in a lot of queer circles.

    To me cancel culture is high school mean girl style conflict with a self righteous angle.