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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You're assuming the booster is giving you the same (or anywhere even close) to the vascular damage caused by catching the virus. As far as the studies I've read, the vascular impact from catching COVID is dozens of times worse than a booster.

    You say "Maybe it didn't affect me as intensely as if I had not been vaccinated, who knows" The doctors know, that's why boosters are being offered to everyone for free in Canada.

    This is one of the reasons why Canada, which has a much higher vaccination and now booster rate than the US is doing better than the US with it's abysmally low booster rate. Canada is losing about 50 people per week right now, the US is still at around 2000 (40 times higher, despite only having a little over 8 times the population)

    What the world does or doesn't do is completely irrelevant to your personal choices. If they all jumped off a bridge to their death, would you do it too? I've continued masking in crowded public areas, boosted regularly (last Monday was my most recent dose), kept my kids masked at school, boosted them regularly too, none of us have had COVID at all. Make your own choices.