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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • So I have some real insight here. Around 2017 I decided to try Nofap. I joined their forums at nofap.com. I downloaded their countdown app. Honestly, I thought that porn had taken over my life. I abstained from six months. I kept up with the people on the forum. So I really immersed myself in it and their culture. My findings:

    The claims of the effects of Nofap may have a grain of truth. Im not sure if it is because of my libido being focused out like they claimed, or if was other factors (I stated regular excersize and I went back to college around that time) but I was more interested in sexual matters and more sexually successful.

    The people on the forums are completely and utterly insane. Evangelical men being forced to abstain by wives who considered porn cheating. Incels who thought that this was the secret code. Semen retentionists. It felt like I was the only one who wanted to be free of porn just because I wanted to.

    Lastly, I wanted to point out that they are misreading, as they always seem to. the problem is not porn, but Capitalism.

  • I don't know, man. I can't claim to know your struggle, especially since you're on the other side of the world from me. I interpreted the prompt to how would I run my country and that country is the US. I live in a positively sprawling metro area, with no mass transit at all; You could spend 3 or so hours crossing it at freeway speeds, and even just going to the club is a half hour drive (or ridiculous rent). I work with a vulnerable population (the disabled), and literally their primary barrier to care/ work is transportation. If you don't have a car, your center of gravity shifts. Meanwhile, my area is defined by inner city poverty vs rich white people to who pushed further and further out from the city as black people also flowed out to the "near suburbs" in the 80s and 90s.

    I'm not here saying that different regions or places can make better use of it, Im just saying, within the parameters of the prompt, in my place, the automobile and automobile infrastructure has been used, extremely effectively, as tool of segregation and for the enforcement of inequality.

  • So a few thoughts: This is something I was actually really thinking about. Aside from the PCs being adventurers who slay dragons and gods, and therefore being reasonable candidates for being very fast sprinters or whatever, your players are probably unfamiliar with the reality of traveling on foot. DnD hand waves a lot of traveling stuff, and encourages you to be ready for a fight, which naturally encourages thinking of character sheets in certain terms.

    If your players want to travel light, then you don't have to think hard to punish them for not having at least the bare minimum of camping gear. I mean, I'm a seasoned camper, but the last time i went, my family forgot the mallet. After driving in stakes with a frying pan, I promise you I wont forget that ever again. And we weren't even backpacking.

    Your thoughts also exude weather; Ryuutama is a game with a traveling subsystem. It's not perfect, but it may have some good ideas for you to consider.